Customs sectors promotes foreign-related information dissemination

Customs sectors promotes foreign-related information dissemination

VCN - From the beginning of the year until now, the foreign-related information dissemination of the Customs industry has been implemented in line with the plan and schedule.
Resolve arising problems to effectively implement ASEAN Single Window

Resolve arising problems to effectively implement ASEAN Single Window

VCN - According to the Customs Information Technology and Statistics Department (under the General Department of Vietnam Customs), during implementing the ASEAN Single Window (including implementing the National Single Window) has emerged some problems th
Deputy Director General Nguyen Van Tho works with FedEx leader

Deputy Director General Nguyen Van Tho works with FedEx leader

VCN – On May 10, Deputy Director General of the General Department of Vietnam Customs (GDVC) Nguyen Van Tho had a meeting with the delegation of FedEx Express Delivery Company, led by Mr. Choo Pin Ang, Executive Director of AMEA Government Affairs .
ABF and GDVC have similarities in cooperative relationship

ABF and GDVC have similarities in cooperative relationship

VCN - Leaders of Vietnam and Australia have signed a comprehensive strategic partnership to promote bilateral cooperation, including the development of trade in goods and movement of people of the two countries.
GDVC and ABF hold bilateral meeting and signing ceremony of Investigation Cooperation Plan

GDVC and ABF hold bilateral meeting and signing ceremony of Investigation Cooperation Plan

VCN - The meeting aims to review and evaluate cooperation activities between the two customs administrations over the past time and make cooperation plans in the future. This is the first meeting between the two highest-ranking leaders of GDVC and ABF.
GDVC assigns minimum targets for overdue tax debt collection and settlement in 2024 to customs departments

GDVC assigns minimum targets for overdue tax debt collection and settlement in 2024 to customs departments

VCN - In addition, the GDVC requests heads of GDVC’s departments under the General Department of Customs, are responsible for inspecting and implementing measures to urge, recover and handle tax debts arising in the Customs inspection process.
Four key tasks of the GDVC during the year-end anti-smuggling peak

Four key tasks of the GDVC during the year-end anti-smuggling peak

VCN - According to Steering Committee 389 of the Ministry of Finance, the smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeit goods have complicatedly taken place on border routes, sea and inland areas with more sophisticated methods.
8 new Customs Brokers are licensed by the GDVC

8 new Customs Brokers are licensed by the GDVC

VCN - Newly recognized Customs brokers are responsible for complying with the provisions of the Customs Law and Circular 12/2015/TT-BTC dated January 30, 2015 of the Ministry of Finance
GDVC and Vietnam Airlines Corporation ink cooperation agreement

GDVC and Vietnam Airlines Corporation ink cooperation agreement

VCN - The signing ceremony was attended by GDVC’s Deputy Director General Nguyen Van Tho, leaders of GDVC’s departments and leaders of units under Vietnam Airlines Corporation.
VNACCS system resumes normal operation

VNACCS system resumes normal operation

VCN - Over the past time, the General Department of Vietnam (GDVC) has received feedback from operation of the VNACCS/VCIS system, affecting the Customs clearance of imports and exports.
Customs sector expedites revenue collection in the remaining months of the year

Customs sector expedites revenue collection in the remaining months of the year

VCN - To perform the task, the GDVC issued Directive 479/CT-TCHQ on enhancing efficiency of the State revenue, which provides groups of general solutions and specific solutions for each unit to implement in the whole sector.
Exchange and share information and data between Vietnam Customs and Intel Corporation

Exchange and share information and data between Vietnam Customs and Intel Corporation

VCN - At the meeting, Director General of Customs General Department Nguyen Van Can highly appreciated Intel Group for having an investment project in Vietnam very early, in the field of high technology, with the leading scale in the region.
GDVC performs tasks in last months of 2023

GDVC performs tasks in last months of 2023

VCN - According to GDVC, the Customs sector continued to strengthen customs modernization and reform, and facilitation; coordinated ministries and sectors to implement National Single Window and ASEAN Single Window.
Anti-Smuggling Investigation Department: The core of the Customs force in the fight against drug crimes

Anti-Smuggling Investigation Department: The core of the Customs force in the fight against drug crimes

VCN - In order to well perform the assigned functions and tasks, the Anti-Smuggling and Investigation Department has always actively researched, reviewed, analyzed and assessed the situation and trends.
GDVC officially organizes the test on team-level leadership assessment

GDVC officially organizes the test on team-level leadership assessment

VCN - The GDVC instructed the score level for each level for candidates to understand and prepare well for the test.
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