ASEAN Customs actively cooperates with, support businesses

ASEAN Customs actively cooperates with, support businesses

VCN - The consultation mechanism of ASEAN Customs is effective, helping ASEAN Customs quickly complete cooperation goals, especially the consultation mechanism with private sector.
Customs sectors promotes foreign-related information dissemination

Customs sectors promotes foreign-related information dissemination

VCN - From the beginning of the year until now, the foreign-related information dissemination of the Customs industry has been implemented in line with the plan and schedule.
Customs – Business Partnership is built base on strength, competence and demand for cooperation

Customs – Business Partnership is built base on strength, competence and demand for cooperation

That is the assessment of Mr. Lin Su - Ming (photo), General Director of Wistron Infocomm (Vietnam) Co., Ltd. with a reporter from Customs Magazine about the Customs - Business partnership.
Two items helps to raise revenues of Khanh Hoa Customs

Two items helps to raise revenues of Khanh Hoa Customs

The number of businesses completing procedures at Khanh Hoa Customs in the first half of 2024 has increased significantly, helping revenue collection achieved positive results.
Ninh Thuan Customs supports import – export enterprises

Ninh Thuan Customs supports import – export enterprises

Ninh Thuan Customs Branch has many good ways to carry out clearance procedures for many specific export items in the area, which are highly appreciated by businesses.
Binh Phuoc Customs: Dialogue and accompany with business to remove obstacles

Binh Phuoc Customs: Dialogue and accompany with business to remove obstacles

Binh Phuoc Customs Department held A dialogue 2024 with the topic "Answering about policy and removing obstacles on customs procedures, inspection, supervision and enforcement for business investing"
Customs focuses on reviewing debt handling throughout industry

Customs focuses on reviewing debt handling throughout industry

VCN - To effectively implement measures to urge, collect and handle tax debt to achieve assigned targets, the General Department of Customs requires local customs departments to focus on reviewing debt management records to have effective and appropriate
HCM City Customs Department collects VND56 billion of Tax debts

HCM City Customs Department collects VND56 billion of Tax debts

VCN - According to the department, by the end of May, the total overdue tax debt is VND1,873 billion, decreasing by over VND48 billion compared to December 31,2023.
Foreign passengers buy goods worth about VND120 billion per month when exiting the country

Foreign passengers buy goods worth about VND120 billion per month when exiting the country

VCN - In the first five months of the year, HCM City Customs Department has implemented tax refund for goods worth over VND 40 billion carried by more than 7,200 foreign passengers when exiting the country.
Ho Chi Minh City Customs has many initiatives and creativity to perform its tasks: Minister Ho Duc Phoc

Ho Chi Minh City Customs has many initiatives and creativity to perform its tasks: Minister Ho Duc Phoc

VCN - On June 14, Minister of Finance Ho Duc Phoc had a working session with the Ho Chi Minh City Customs Department. Also attending the meeting were Director General of the General Department of Taxation Mai Xuan Thanh; Deputy Director General of the Gen
HCM City Customs takes measures to increase state revenue

HCM City Customs takes measures to increase state revenue

VCN - At the working session with Minister of Finance Ho Duc Phoc on June 14, Director of HCM City Customs Department Nguyen Hoang Tuan shared reasons for the State revenue reduction. Accordingly, the revenue from CBU cars declines 51.78% year-on-year due
Lang Son Customs strengthens coordination to ensure customs management at Dong Dang railway station

Lang Son Customs strengthens coordination to ensure customs management at Dong Dang railway station

VCN - To ensure smooth import-export and transit shipments transported by rail between Vietnam and China as well as with countries in the ASEAN region, Lang Son Customs has been strengthening coordination with the Vietnam Railways Corporation to performs
Make good use of e-commerce data, create effective tax and customs management

Make good use of e-commerce data, create effective tax and customs management

VCN - According to Mr. Pham Tan Cong, Chairman of the Vietnam Confederation of Commerce and Industry (VCCI), making good use of e-commerce data can help manage import and export work very well, bringing high efficiency for tax and customs management.
Lao Cai Customs collects VND 502 billion

Lao Cai Customs collects VND 502 billion

VCN - The revenue in May reached VND 99.9 billion, declining 33.5% month-on-month and increasing by 53% year-on-year.
Two key tasks of digital transformation in 2024 of Customs industry

Two key tasks of digital transformation in 2024 of Customs industry

VCN - On May 28, 2024, the Director General of the General Department of Customs signed Decision 1254/QD-TCHQ on promulgating the Digital Transformation Plan of the General Department of Customs in 2024. In the Plan, the General Department of Customs set
Vietnam Customs proactively participate in negotiation and develop AHTN Nomenclature

Vietnam Customs proactively participate in negotiation and develop AHTN Nomenclature

Vietnam Customs has actively participated in negotiating and developing the ASEAN Harmonized Tariff Nomenclature (AHTN) to fulfill its obligations as a member agency.
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Efforts to bring Customs - Business partnership into practice

Efforts to bring Customs - Business partnership into practice

VCN - 2024 marks 10 years of developing the Customs-Business partnership, thereby integrating partnership activities into the regular, daily operations of customs units at all levels, contributing to accompanying businesses, and considering businesses as
General Department of Vietnam Customs achieves many positive results in the first six months of 2024

General Department of Vietnam Customs achieves many positive results in the first six months of 2024

General Department of Vietnam Customs held Online Conference on preliminarily review the work in the first half of 2024, directions and solutions to perform tasks in the last 6 months of 2024.
Director General of Vietnam Customs Nguyen Van Can: Strive to accomplish revenue collection task in 2024

Director General of Vietnam Customs Nguyen Van Can: Strive to accomplish revenue collection task in 2024

From now to the end of the year, the entire Customs sector needs to continue to strive and endeavor to fulfill the task of revenue collection well.
Customs industry’s revenue increases in the first of 2024

Customs industry’s revenue increases in the first of 2024

VCN – Despite facing many difficulties, the positive results in revenue of the Customs industry in the first half of the year shows that export activity has restored gradually and the domestic economy has seen signs of prosperity.
Three reasons for reducing state budget revenue of Ho Chi Minh City Customs

Three reasons for reducing state budget revenue of Ho Chi Minh City Customs

VCN - Import-export turnover in Ho Chi Minh City tends to increase, but state budget revenue from import-export activities decreases. Ho Chi Minh City Customs Department pointed out 3 reasons why the revenue decreased.
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