General Department of Vietnam Customs achieves many positive results in the first six months of 2024

VCN - On July 3rd, General Department of Vietnam Customs held Online Conference on preliminarily review the work in the first half of 2024, directions and solutions to perform tasks in the last 6 months of 2024. Director General of Vietnam Customs Nguyen Van Can chaired the conference.
The leadership of the General Department of Customs and delegates attended the Conference at the headquarters of the General Department of Customs. Photo: T.Binh.
The leadership of the General Department of Vietnam Customs and delegates attended the Conference at the headquarters of the General Department of Vietnam Customs. Photo: T.Bình.

In the first six month of the year, under the thorough direction of the Party, the Government, Prime Minister as well as the close attention and guidance of the Ministry of Finance, the coordination of ministries and central agencies, and local authorities, the General Department of Vietnam Customs has synchronously and drastically deployed solutions to facilitate trade, remove difficulties for businesses, and ensure customs management work, achieving many positive results.

Notably, the entire industry has completed customs procedures for 8.16 million declarations, an increase of 14.4% compared to the same period last year. Of which, exports accounted for 4.28 million declarations, up 15.9%, and imports accounted for 3.88 million declarations, up 12.8%. The number of enterprises participating in import and export activities reached 88,700 enterprises, an increase of 6.4% compared to the same period last year.

Total import and export turnover reached US$369.62 billion, rising 16% (equivalent to an increase of US$51.08 billion) compared to the same period last year. In particular, exports reached US$190.73 billion, growing 14.9% (equivalent to an increase of US$24.74 billion) and imports reached US$178.88 billion, climbing 17.3% (equivalent to a growth of US$26.34 billion).Vietnam's goods trade balance in the first 6 months of 2024 had a surplus of US$11.85 billion.

Regarding state revenue collection, identifying this as a top priority of the entire industry, from the beginning of 2024, the General Department of Vietnam Customs issued Directive No. 371/CT-TCHQ on synchronous and drastic implementation of solutions to facilitate trade, enhance state management effectiveness, and combat revenue loss in the implementation of the SB collection task in 2024.

In the first 6 months of the year, the entire industry collected VND 200,460 billion, equivalent to 53.5% of the assigned plan, up 8.4% compared to the same period last year.

view of the conference. Photo: T.Bình
View of the conference. Photo: T.Bình

Regarding the anti-smuggling, the situation of smuggling, trade fraud, and counterfeit goods in the first 6 months of 2024 was complicated, especially in the period before, during, and after the Lunar New Year of 2024 - a period witnessing an increase in consumer goods.

Subjects took advantage of the facilitation of mechanisms and policies, the development of e-commerce, and express delivery methods to smuggle and illegally transport goods such as: wild animals, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, electronics, gold, new drugs, minerals... concentrated on roads, waterways, airways and border areas with many sophisticated methods and tricks.

Along with that, the activities of buying and selling, illegally transporting narcotic substances and precursors across the border are still very complicated, especially on air routes and sea routes.

In the face of this situation, with the role of assisting the Standing Body of the National Steering Committee 389, the Steering Committee 389 of the Ministry of Finance, the General Department of Vietnam Customs has concretized and deployed key and priority work plans and programs and achieved many positive results.

Specifically, the entire Customs sector has detected, seized and handled 8,201 cases of violations of customs laws (an increase of nearly 2% compared to the same period in 2023), the total value of goods in violation is estimated at VND 16,173 billion. Customs authorities have prosecuted 11 cases and recommended other agencies to prosecute 89 cases; the amount of money collected to the state budget is VND 381.4 billion (an increase of 21% compared to 2023).

Regarding the results of the fight against drugs, the Customs sector has taken the lead in coordinating with the police, border guards, and coast guard forces to detect and arrest 183 cases involving 216 subjects (of which the Customs authorities took the lead in 69 cases), the total amount of drugs of all kinds seized was about 1.0270 tons.

To fulfill the political task for the whole year of 2024, in the last 6 months of the year, the entire industry will continue to deploy drastically and synchronously key tasks and solutions, included: continue to focus on implementing drastically, synchronously and effectively the tasks and solutions set forth according to the resolutions and conclusions of the Central Party Committee, the Politburo; Resolutions of the National Assembly, Government, instructions of the Prime Minister...

Futhermore, promoting reform, simplify administrative procedures, automate customs procedures, facilitate trade; strive to fulfill the task of collecting state budget; resolutely implement the fight against crimes, smuggling and trade fraud...

Customs Magazine will continue to update the important contents of the Conference.

By Thái Bình/Thanh Thuy

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