Needing quantitative goals to promote management reform, specialized inspection

VCN - VCCI proposed to add specific goals on improving the satisfaction level of enterprises with the implementation of specialized management and inspection procedures.
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The draft Resolution No. 02/NQ-CP on improving the business environment and competitiveness in 2023 is being consulted by the Ministry of Planning and Investment.

According to the assessment of the Ministry of Planning and Investment, with the implementation of Resolution No. 02/NQ-CP, ministries, branches and localities should continue to make efforts to remove barriers, difficulties and obstacles, and unlock resources in society to attract domestic and foreign investment.

On some rankings in 2022, Vietnam continues to improve compared to 2021. The level of market development (shown by the Index of Economic Freedom) increased by 6 levels, from 90 to 84. In the country, according to the assessment results of the Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI 2021), the quality of the business environment has changed positively compared to previous years. The local government continues to promote dynamism and support for the private sector, informal costs continue to decrease, and the efficiency of administrative procedures is improved.

In particular, resolutions on improving the business environment over the years have integrated many contents to promote trade facilitation, especially reforming transnational trade procedures.

The Vietnam Confederation of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) also commented that Resolution No. 02/NQ-CP was very meaningful and played a very important role in the annual business environment improvement activities that the Government was implementing in recent years.

Every year, the business community waited for this Resolution to remove obstacles from policies, and prompt regulatory agencies to take strong actions to improve the business environment and enhance national competitiveness.

Moreover, from mid-2022, enterprises face many difficulties due to unpredictable fluctuations in the world, so they urgently need help from institutional reform packages, improving the business environment, thereby removing obstacles from policies, promote regulatory agencies to take strong action to improve the business environment and enhance national competitiveness.

Commenting on the tasks and solutions "Focus on promoting management reform and specialized inspection of goods" in the draft Resolution No. 02/NQ-CP, VCCI assessed that the draft had identified many tasks for ministries and branches, however, it seemed to stop at giving implementation orientations.

For example, continue to review and reduce the list of import and export goods subject to specialized management and inspection; study, amend and supplement regulations; upgrade, complete and effectively implement e-procedures on the National Single Window Portal; simplify records and processes, minimize the time to carry out specialized inspection and management procedures.

"The above reform orientations are important, but it is necessary to have more quantitative goals for ministries and sectors to implement as well as to facilitate the evaluation of results achieved in the future," VCCI said.

According to the survey results of VCCI on the level of satisfaction of enterprises when conducting administrative procedures through the National Single Window and specialized inspection management procedures published on November 3, 2022, less than 70% of enterprises considered the specialized inspection and management procedures to be convenient to implement.

Therefore, VCCI proposed to add specific goals for ministries and sectors, which were "Improving the satisfaction level of enterprises with the implementation of specialized management and inspection procedures to reach 70% and more".

According to VCCI, this would also contribute to promoting the realization of the common goal of administrative procedure reform by 2025 that Resolution No. 76/NQ-CP dated July 15, 2021 on promulgating the Master Program on state administrative reform for the 2021-2030 period, specifically: “The satisfaction level of people and enterprises in handling administrative procedures is at least 90%. In which, the satisfaction level about handling administrative procedures in the field of land, construction and investment reached at least 85%”.

In addition, VCCI also believed that business associations played a very important role as a bridge between the business community and Party, State in proposing solutions to handle problems and perfecting policies. laws related to enterprises. Therefore, draft Resolution No. 02/NQ-CP is needed to supplement the roles and tasks of VCCI and business associations in organizing dialogue activities with enterprises.

By Huong Diu/ Binh Minh

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