Customs takes action to implement effectively Decree No.02/NQ-CP of the Government

VCN – The General Department of Vietnam Customs issued decision on promulgating an Action plan on implementing Decree No.02/NQ-CP of the Government dated January 1, 2021 on continuing to implement the main tasks and solutions to improve the business environment and national competitiveness in 2021.

With the goal of continuing and promoting the implementation of general target and specific targets of the orientation till 2021 as requested in Decree No.02/NQ-CP in 2019, 2020 and 2021, the General Department of Vietnam Customs has planned to implement effectively and complete assigned tasks.

In 2021, General Department of Vietnam Customs hopes to implement synchronously and comprehensively the solutions of administrative reform. In particular, the customs authority continues to promote administrative procedures reform of customs toward setting people and firms as the centre; ensuring requirement and effectiveness of State management; creating equal, convenient and transparent business environment that aims to reduce the time and costs of people and enterprise in compliance of administrative procedures in customs domain; meeting international requirements and standards.

Customs continues to reduce and simplify business conditions, support and remove difficulties for firms; shortening the process of processing, modernising and applying information technology in State management; reduce the time for implementing administrative procedures, ensure publicity, transparency and enhance the responsibility of State administrative agencies to be appropriate with the new production in industrial revolution 4.0.

Enterprises looked up declaration’s information at Investment Customs Branch (HCM City Customs Department). Photo: T.H

At the same time, advise the Ministry of Finance to coordinate ministries and sectors to reform comprehensively regulations on specialised management of import and export goods in accordance with international practices.

With determination to end 2021 well, the Customs authority has completed the goal of raising the ranking of the Cross-Border Trade Transactions index, ensuring that the task will be completed by 10 - 15 steps compared to 2019. Accelerating the implementation progress of digital transformation tasks and solutions in accordance with the plan of the Ministry of Finance. Continuing to provide online public services at levels 3 and 4, in which striving to apply 100% of practical public services for people and businesses. Proactively research and coordinate with units to continue promoting non-cash payments, develop e-commerce and formulate and implement the Digital Transformation Business Support Programme 2021- 2025. Continuing to focus on supporting people and businesses to recover production and business and overcome the negative impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic.

To achieve those goals, the General Department of Vietnam Customs focuses on completing the legal system, continuing to study, develop and submit to competent authorities and promulgate documents amending and supplementing the legal documents system. Completing the progress and ensure the quality of legal documents in the customs field as specified in the programmes and plans to develop legal documents of the National Assembly, Government and the Ministry of Finance.

Improving efficiency of the National Single Window, ASEAN Single Window, reforming specialised inspection for import and export goods and facilitating trade in the period of 2018 - 2020 and conclusion notices of the Chairman of National Steering Committee on the ASEAN Single Window, the National Single Window and trade facilitation.

To elaborate and submit to authorities a master project on building and developing an information technology system to serve implementation of the national single window and the ASEAN single window mechanism in a centralised manner.

Customs authority is actively coordinating with ministries, sectors to implement solutions on improving Cross-Broder Trade Transactions. Photo: N.Linh

Continue to coordinate with ministries and sectors to expand the number of connected administrative procedures via the National Single Window and improve the efficiency of exchanging certificates of origin of import and export goods with ASEAN nations.

Continuing to urge and coordinate ministries and agencies to fully implement management reform solutions and public security, including applying risk management based on the assessment and analysis of enterprise compliance and the extent and scale of the risk of the goods; shifting strongly from mainly conducting inspections at the customs clearance stage to mainly supervising in the domestic market; publicly announce lists of products subject to specialised inspection with HS codes at the detailed level, the corresponding specialised management method on import and export and the costs that enterprises must pay; publicity must be appropriate and accessible; apply online public service level 4.

Continue to coordinate with ministries and agencies to complete the review and reduce substantially and effectively at least 50% of the items in the list of products subjected to specialised inspection, publicly and fully publicise the electronic information of the specialised management ministry on the list with the corresponding HS code, together with a comparison table for the list of managed product subject to specialised inspection before and after cutting per the request of the Government. Chairing to supervise and evaluate the results of implementation of the solutions to the reform of specialised inspection management and assess the level of changes and impacts on import-export enterprises, and report to the Prime Minister in accordance with regulations.

Reviewing and completing documents on the cross-border trade transaction index posted on the portal of the Ministry of Finance and the General Department of Vietnam Customs; connect with domestic and international agencies and organisations, strengthen communication, create an information channel to provide, fully and promptly update necessary information on the results of customs reform to ensure the assessment and ranking of the index of Cross-border Trade Transactions is carried out objectively and accurately.

By Nụ Bùi/Thanh Thuy

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