Vietnam Customs boosts cooperation and information exchange

VCN - In 2024, Vietnam Customs sets the goal of further enhancing cooperation with partners to focus on information sharing, security and safety, and maximum facilitation in the customs field.
Vietnam Customs and China Customs promote customs cooperation in anti-smuggling Vietnam Customs and China Customs promote customs cooperation in anti-smuggling
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Make great efforts to build professional and modern Vietnam customs on par with customs administrations of developed countries Make great efforts to build professional and modern Vietnam customs on par with customs administrations of developed countries
On November 1, at the Vietnam Customs headquarters, Director General of Vietnam Customs Nguyen Van Can and Mr. Kees van Baar, the Netherlands Ambassador to Vietnam signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the General Department of Vietnam Customs and Customs Administration of the Netherlands on the implementation of the Agreement between the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Kingdom of the Netherlands on cooperation and mutual administrative assistance in customs matters. Photo: H.Nu
On November 1, at the Vietnam Customs headquarters, Director General of Vietnam Customs Nguyen Van Can and Mr. Kees van Baar, the Netherlands Ambassador to Vietnam signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the General Department of Vietnam Customs and Customs Administration of the Netherlands on the implementation of the Agreement between the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Kingdom of the Netherlands on cooperation and mutual administrative assistance in customs matters. Photo: H.Nu

Comprehensive cooperation, affirming position

2023 is about to end with important successes and milestones in international integration and cooperation of the Customs sector.

Within the multilateral framework, Vietnam Customs participated in signing three cooperation documents and negotiating five cooperation agreements. Within the bilateral framework, Vietnam Customs completed the signing of international treaties and agreements.

In particular, the successful hosting of the World Customs Organization (WCO) Technology Conference and Exhibition marked an important step forward for Vietnam Customs in its role as a WCO member. This is a big international event of the WCO and one of the largest international events ever for Vietnam Customs, with the participation of about 1,000 customs delegates and technology providers from 95 countries and territories, with 95 speakers at the conference, 48 exhibition booths with about 300 experts introducing their products and technology solutions in the customs field. The event made a good impression for international friends and was highly appreciated by the WCO.

Also in 2023, Vietnam Customs participated in voting to elect WCO Secretary General; sent representatives of Vietnam Customs to the Vietnam Embassy in the Kingdom of Belgium to increase presence at WCO, connect and cooperate with customs administrations of other countries at WCO; proactively worked with Australian Customs to develop a regional strategic plan and take charge of building the pillar of adaptability and resilience of the Customs agency in the new era...

Vietnam Customs has participated in completing and implementing the ASEAN Harmonized Tariff Nomenclature (AHTN); exchange information on ASEAN customs declarations and electronic quarantine certificates through the ASEAN Single Window; Deploying the ASEAN customs transit system, from institutional improvement, system software application, and user training; taken on the role of hosting the ASEAN Customs Directors General Conference in 2024.

Vietnam Customs has also actively coordinated with partners to implement cooperation programs within the bloc; continued to demonstrate an active role in connecting and exchanging with ASEM member Customs agencies to implement ASEM customs cooperation activities that have been interrupted after the Covid-19 pandemic; actively cooperated with international organizations such as the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) under the United Nations; continued to preside over the effective implementation of cooperative activities, programs and projects on customs control, anti-drug smuggling, and security and safety. With the results achieved in implementing cooperative activities with these partners, especially in the work of controlling and preventing smuggling and illegal transportation of drugs across borders, Vietnam Customs has been highly appreciated by the partners and continues to receive attention and practical support in terms of control equipment as well as capacity building.

Along with that, in 2023, Vietnam Customs has actively exchanged information and cooperated in customs operations with customs administrations of other countries. In particular, Vietnam Customs held a ceremony to announce the implementation of technical connection of the EODES system between Vietnam Customs and Korean Customs regarding origin declaration data from July 1, 2023; actively participated in the WCO’s programs and campaigns against drugs, waste, rare animals and plants of the WCO, The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), successfully organized the Mekong Dragon Campaign Phase 5 which was highly appreciated by UNDP and participating countries...

Goals for 2024

Associated with the implementation of state management tasks on customs; Vietnam Customs will focus on building a professional image, effective integration, civilization, modernity, and responsibility in implementing international obligations and commitments.

In bilateral cooperation, Vietnam Customs aims to strengthen cooperation with strategic partners, bringing the cooperation relationship into depth and substance with specific cooperation programs on information exchange on customs operations, coordination in anti-smuggling investigations and trade exchanges, and implementation of e-commerce; enhance exchanges with bilateral partners to boost cooperation such as the United States, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, France, Belgium, Germany, Japan, Korea, Australia...; maintain and deepen cooperative relations with China, Laos and Cambodia Customs; and closely cooperate with customs of ASEAN countries; expand cooperative relations with partners in the Middle East and Africa region, focusing on substantive, effective cooperation, exchange on professional information, intelligence information, serving control, ensuring security and safety, and drug prevention.

Vietnam Customs continues to fully implement rights, obligations and benefits at WCO, ASEAN, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum (APEC), Asia-Europe Cooperation Forum (ASEM), Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Program; ensure progress in implementing commitments in the World Trade Organization (WTO), ASEAN, WCO and with partners who have signed free trade agreements; continues to demonstrate an active membership role in WCO, ASEAN, APEC, ASEM through hosting, coordination, participation in programs, projects, and activities of the organization, proactively proposing initiatives on connection and cooperation with customs administrations of other countries.

In particular, Vietnam Customs aims to perform well its role as a host of the ASEAN Customs Cooperation Forum in 2024; carry out technical consultations on classification, value, origin, intellectual property, and professional issues with specialized agencies of international organizations of which Vietnam Customs is a member; strengthen cooperation with agencies within the framework of the United Nations and other international organizations such as UNODC, INCB, UNDP... to serve the fight against smuggling, drug prevention and capacity building for Vietnam Customs officials,

Implement seamless connections with partners in exchanging information, coordination of C/O verification, and identification of suspected violations of customs laws; strengthen coordination in controlling drugs, rare animals and plants, and illegal transport of waste; take advantage of international resources to support the digital transformation process towards a smart Customs model; research and access good models and experiences on building green Customs; pilot the exchange of information about goods according to a number of key commodities and between pairs of major seaports in Vietnam and partners that account for a large proportion of trade with Vietnam to serve the requirements of management and customs clearance of import-export goods.

By Nu Bui/ Huyen Trang

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