Adapting to multicultural environments in global business

Adapting to multicultural environments in global business

VCN - In multicultural environments, businesses believe that a strong spirit of cooperation is essential, combined with internal strengths based on knowledge and a high-quality workforce.
CEPA Agreement opens the way to the Middle East - Africa market

CEPA Agreement opens the way to the Middle East - Africa market

VCN - CEPA is the first free trade agreement Vietnam has signed with an Arab country, opening a new era in the upgraded and increasingly substantive relationship between Vietnam and the UAE and Arab countries.
Digital transformation in Customs sector is a revolution

Digital transformation in Customs sector is a revolution

VCN - This content was emphasized by Deputy Director General Tran Duc Hung at the Workshop introducing the requirements of technical process serving the construction of the Information Technology (IT) System to implement Digital Customs organized by the G
Quang Binh, KhamMuon Customs cooperates in exchanging information

Quang Binh, KhamMuon Customs cooperates in exchanging information

VCN - The delegation of Quang Binh Customs Department has just attended the meeting and signed a cooperation memorandum with the delegation of Khammuon Customs in Thakhek town, KhamMuon province (Lao PDR).
Ensuring global trade security requires cooperation, exchange and processing of information before the goods arrive

Ensuring global trade security requires cooperation, exchange and processing of information before the goods arrive

To meet the requirements of both strict security control and facilitating trade, one of the effective solutions is to cooperate, exchange and process information before the goods arrive
Vietnam, Laos cooperate effectively in combating drug crimes

Vietnam, Laos cooperate effectively in combating drug crimes

VCN - Through the coordination between the Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security and the Lao Ministry of Public Security, many drug cases have been promptly solved, including many major cases.
Understand businesses and markets to expand cooperation opportunities with the United States

Understand businesses and markets to expand cooperation opportunities with the United States

VCN - The demand for shifting supply chains of US corporations is huge. Understanding the needs, standards and working methods of corporations will help Vietnamese enterprises have the opportunity to gain a larger market share in this wave.
The cooperation between Customs and An Giang Border Defence achieves outstanding results

The cooperation between Customs and An Giang Border Defence achieves outstanding results

During the 5 years of cooperation, the two forces have coordinated to inspect and control more than 4.5 million vehicles entering and exiting An Giang border gates, detecting 88 case of violations
Uzbekistan Signs Customs Agreement With U.S.

Uzbekistan Signs Customs Agreement With U.S.

VCN - The heads of the Uzbek and American customs services have signed an agreement “On Cooperation and Mutual Assistance,” an essential legal basis of cooperation in customs. The deal was signed in a bilateral meeting between the Chairman of the Uzbekist
Proposal to invest in equipment for control activities at Buprang and Dak Peur border gates

Proposal to invest in equipment for control activities at Buprang and Dak Peur border gates

Dak Lak Customs Branch and Dak Nong Provincial Border Guard Command held a conference to review 5 years of coordination between the two units to improve the effectiveness of coordination
Ha Tinh Customs, Border Guard work together to promote strengths in border control

Ha Tinh Customs, Border Guard work together to promote strengths in border control

VCN - Effectively implementing the Regulation on coordination between the General Department of Customs and the Border Guard Command, Ha Tinh Customs Department and Ha Tinh Border Guard have seriously organized and implemented, built a relationship of sol
VLA proposes close cooperation with Customs

VLA proposes close cooperation with Customs

VCN - According to VLA Vice President Tran Tien Dung, achievements of cooperation between the General Department of Vietnam Customs have been shown in figures.
Vietnam and Japan promote cooperation

Vietnam and Japan promote cooperation

VCN - Japan is currently Việt Nam's biggest ODA provider, and the country’s ODA projects have effectively contributed to the Vietnam’s socio-economic development.
Close cooperation between Vietnam and the EU in sustainable development

Close cooperation between Vietnam and the EU in sustainable development

VCN - EuroCham will closely collaborate and share experiences with various sectors in Vietnam to promote green economic development and sustainable growth.
Strengthen the cooperation to enhance the effectiveness of anti-drugs

Strengthen the cooperation to enhance the effectiveness of anti-drugs

The emergence of many new types of drugs and criminals constantly changing their methods and tricks have caused many challenges in the drug prevention of the authorities, including Customs force.
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