Ha Tinh Customs focuses on improving the quality of human resources

VCN - Ha Tinh Customs Department focuses on improving the quality of human resources with the persective that people and organizational structure are the decisive factors for the success of administrative reform and customs modernization.
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Director of Ha Tinh Customs Department Bui Thanh San spoke at the exam to assess the capacity of civil servants not holding leadership positions in 2023.

3 outstanding results

Determining that people are the decisive factor in all reforms, Ha Tinh Customs focuses on training and fostering to improve the capacity of civil servants to promptly meet the customs reform and modernization process. In particular, each Ha Tinh Customs officer always upholds the code of conduct according to the Customer Service Declaration "Professional - Transparent - Effective". In addition, the implementation of discipline and administrative discipline in handling work for businesses and people is always thoroughly grasped by the unit.

Mr. Bui Thanh San, Director of Ha Tinh Customs Department, said that in 2023, Ha Tinh Customs has achieved 3 major results in training and fostering to improve professional capacity, skills, qualifications, political level for officials.

Firstly, the unit has strongly deployed the construction of job positions and assigned tasks at under and directly under units according to the capacity framework of job positions. Proactively establish groups to identify job positions according to Circular 54/2023/TT-BTC and Circular 12/2022/TT-BNV to implement and demonstrate the vision of the Party Committee and leaders of Ha Tinh Customs Department in building human resources to both ensure compliance with regulations and move towards the Digital Customs and Smart Customs model in the future.

Second, Ha Tinh Customs Department has closely trained and fostered human resources, in which many training classes have been successfully organized such as: Training conference on the fight against trafficking, illegally transporting drugs and precursors across borders; Providing instructions on the process and how to use handheld drug detectors for officials at the Sub-department; Coordinating with Vietnam Customs School to organize technical training courses on classification and origin of goods for 40 officials from 5 units under, directly under the Department, radiation safety training for 30 officials working at the Sub-department and teams under the Department; Coordinating with the People's Procuracy of Ha Tinh province to organize a training conference on criminal proceedings in the customs field for 86 officials; training conference on handling administrative violations in the field of customs and disseminating the Inspection Law to officials.

Third, in order to implement the 2-level capacity assessment model, Ha Tinh Customs organized a capacity assessment period for officials not holding leadership positions in 2023 with the participation of 102 officers working in 8 units under and directly under the Department. The exams were taken seriously under the supervision of the Customs Reform and Modernization Board. The results showed that 100% of candidates achieved level 2 or higher, 91 officers achieved good results at level 3 (the highest level), notably 7 candidates achieved absolute scores of 100/100 points. In addition, Ha Tinh Customs also participated in the assessment of leadership capacity at the Team level of the Sub-department, equivalent units and had 2 Team level leaders achieving absolute scores of 100/100 points.

The above results further confirm that, in addition to completing professional tasks, Ha Tinh Customs officers have focused on improving professional knowledge, widely spreading the learning movement, improving qualifications, and contributing to promoting the professional capacity and public service performance of the Customs civil servant team that meets the comprehensive innovation requirements of the Customs sector, Mr. Bui Thanh San emphasized.

Professional target from the border gate

In the coming time, in order for civil servants to increasingly ensure quality and quantity, Ha Tinh Customs Department will regularly organize tests and evaluate the qualifications of line leading civil servants and step 2 civil servants in the process of electronic customs procedures at affiliated branches. At the same time, promote the responsible role of leaders in direction, management and administration; Further improve awareness and responsibility of leaders on the work of building a team of public servants.

At the same time, to continue the task of reforming, developing and modernizing the Customs sector in the new context, serving the business community, facilitating trade and improving national competitiveness, according to Mr. Bui Thanh, in 2024, Ha Tinh Customs will focus on reviewing the capacity and professional expertise of civil servants to advise Department leaders and unit leaders in training, rotation, mobilization, planning and appointment of officials.

In particular, aiming to develop customs work in the direction of "Professional, Transparent, Effective" from the border gate, Ha Tinh Customs Department closely follows the Customs development strategy until 2030 according to Decision No. 628 /QD-TTg dated May 20, 2022 of the Prime Minister, documents of direction and guidance of the Ministry of Finance, General Department of Customs, actively participate in giving comments, building and reviewing professional processes serving to build business requirements and business processes towards Digital Customs, Smart Customs model related to the fields of control and supervision, risk management, legality, etc. Simultaneously, propose recommendations on the unit's organizational model to respond to the smart customs management model.

By Nu Bui/ Phuong Linh

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