EuroCham wishes to cooperate with Ba Ria - Vung Tau Customs to develop transportation and logistics services

VCN - Ba Ria - Vung Tau Customs Department recently had a working session with the Transport and Logistics Subcommittee (TLSC) of the European Business Association in Vietnam (EuroCham) on the issue of promoting cooperation and developing the economic environment in Ba Ria - Vung Tau.
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Ba Ria - Vung Tau Customs discussed with EuroCham at the meeting
Ba Ria - Vung Tau Customs discussed with EuroCham at the meeting

The meeting was organized based on the proposal of TLSC and EuroCham to introduce TLSC's activities and orientation, and exchange recommendations to promote cooperation and develop the business environment in Ba Ria – Vung Tau.

Speaking at the meeting, Mr. Benoit Klein, Vice Chairman of TLSC, said that TLSC was officially established and affiliated with EuroCham in 2009 to provide a policy forum for all EuroCham members in the field of transport and logistics.

The purpose of TLSC is to support members in developing the transportation and logistics industry in Vietnam. Accordingly, TLSC not only provides professional opinions, but also directly makes recommendations to Government agencies and departments, contributing professional perspectives through policy recommendations in the publication of EuroCham's annual white paper and direct dialogue with Customs agencies in many localities such as Hai Phong, Ho Chi Minh City, etc.

According to Mr. Benoit Klein, infrastructure is one of the pillars of the transportation and logistics industry. This is an important factor that links the various activities of the industry. Currently, Vietnam has policies to modernize infrastructure for the transport and logistics industry. This helps create confidence for businesses in long-term investment and operations. In addition, with Decision 804/QD-TTg in 2022 of the Prime Minister, Ba Ria-Vung Tau will be the central destination of many large-capacity infrastructure projects. This shows that infrastructure will be one of the fundamental factors for the economic growth of Ba Ria - Vung Tau in particular and Vietnam in general.

Therefore, TLSC representatives hope to receive the attention of Vietnamese authorities on strengthening the supervision and facilitation role of the Government to ensure effective allocation of resources, as well as the safety and environmental sustainability of these projects. At the same time, creating transparency and fair competition in the logistics field. TLSC also expects Vietnam to strengthen connections between types of transport and invest in these modes of transport; encourage investment and cooperation between the public and private sectors; Simplify administrative procedures to reduce the burden of time and operating costs for businesses.

Assessing Customs procedures, Mr. Benoit Klein said that market access has significantly promoted foreign investors as well as the import of goods with preferential and non-preferential origins. Therefore, importers need to assess risks and protect their rights at the customs border gate.

Recently, TLSC has also had discussions on customs, focusing on customs value, HS code classification and on-site import and export. However, Mr. Benoit Klein wishes to expand the content of efforts to digitize customs declarations (digital C/O); Support the theoretical basis and legal reference sources which are selected to make decisions on HS code classification and synchronized across different Customs agencies; Maintain the implementation of preferential legal regulations such as on-spot export and import mechanisms.

TLSC representatives also pointed out that many multinational companies have now committed to implementing sustainability goals across all aspects of business, including upstream sourcing and downstream supply, ending with product life cycle. In the logistics field, companies also aim for the main goal of reducing CO2 and the long-term goal of being carbon neutral by 2050.

Accordingly, in the short term, companies will maintain and improve fleets, vehicles and assets, develop digitalization capabilities and monitor the industry's carbon emissions. In the medium term, companies focus on energy efficiency for fleets, vehicles and assets; setting new standards for roads and building ports in a greener and more sustainable direction. In addition, continue to coordinate with the government to build a comprehensive strategy for transition and sustainable development.

In the long term, companies will focus on fleets, vehicles and assets that use the lowest emission energy sources and complete carbon market mechanisms.

To realize the above goals, EuroCham representatives proposed to cooperate with Ba Ria - Vung Tau Customs Department to enhance equipping businesses with necessary knowledge and skills on customs procedures and removing customs difficulties and problems of businesses and updating new regulations and policies for businesses, etc.

Talking at the meeting, Mr. Nguyen Thanh Sang, Deputy Director of Ba Ria - Vung Tau Customs Department said that in recent times, Ba Ria - Vung Tau Customs Department has always identified businesses as partners. Accordingly, the Department regularly has activities to support and accompany businesses. Consultation and dialogue programs are regularly held at the department and branch levels, thereby promptly and satisfactorily resolving problems of the business community.

In particular, implementing the Enterprise Self-Compliance Program of the General Department of Customs, Ba Ria - Vung Tau Customs Department signed a memorandum of understanding with 6 businesses to improve the level of compliance of businesses, reduce minimize violations of the law. In addition, with the goal of forming a customs-business working group to improve the quality of Customs-business partnership activities, in 2023, the unit also signed cooperation agreements with 4 local companies.

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Regarding EuroCham's suggestions, Mr. Nguyen Thanh Sang committed that Ba Ria - Vung Tau Customs will best support EuroCham member businesses in the customs field. Simultaneously, Ba Ria - Vung Tau Customs Department will also consider implementing EuroCham's proposals in the near future.

By Nguyen Hien/ Phuong Linh

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