General Department of Vietnam Customs strengthens discipline in task performance

VCN - Strengthening the responsibility of the leader in implementing the regulations of the Party, the Government, the Ministry of Finance and the General Department of Vietnam Customs on anti-corruption, control of assets and income of officials who hold positions and authorities; implement regulations on publicity and transparency in management fields.
Víew of the conference. Photo: Hồng Nụ
Víew of the conference. Photo: Hồng Nụ

Director General of Vietnam Customs Nguyen Van Can has just signed and promulgated Directive No. 1036/CT-TCHQ on continuing to strengthen discipline in duties performance; rotation, mobilization and change of working positions; control the power and responsibility of the head in the management of officials, responsibility to set an example; fight against buying of the position of authority and preventing corruption in Customs sector.

Drastic implementation right from the beginning of the year

In the past years, following the direction of the Party, Government, Prime Minister and Ministry of Finance, the General Department of Vietnam Customs has focused and innovated the method of leadership, management and administration towards the goal of building a regular and modern Customs force; improve service quality in carrying out customs procedures and management; facilitate trade activities, contribute to improving national competitiveness and at the same time, enhancing the sense of discipline of customs officers while performing their duties.

Regarding force building, the General Department of Vietnam Customs has focused on improving discipline in duties performance, combined with strengthening inspection and supervision of duties performance by civil servants and officers and employees at all three levels: General Department of Vietnam Customs, Customs Department and Branch, ensuring compliance with laws and regulations of the sector.

Maintaining discipline has contributed to enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency in directing, administering and implementing policies and laws. In particular, the General Department of Vietnam Customs has issued a system of regulations that directly regulate the duties and performance of all Customs officers and employees, from the head of the unit to the official in charge, responsible for inspection and supervision in each professional stage and regulations on handling and sanctions for each act.

Specifically, working regulations of the General Department of Vietnam Customs (issued together with Decision No. 3333/QD-TCHQ dated October 6, 2016); regulations on management and use of hotlines and receiving and processing information via hotlines of the General Department of Vietnam Customs (issued together with Decision No. 3899/QD-TCHQ dated November 10, 2016); regulation on internal inspection and control for the implementation of customs procedures, customs inspection and supervision (issued together with Decision No. 4398/QD-TCHQ dated December 20, 2016…

And right from the beginning of 2023, identifying administrative discipline as a key factor in force building, the General Department of Vietnam Customs issued Official Letter No. 375/TCHQ-TCCB dated January 19, 2023, on warning, correcting and strengthening the responsibility of leaders of all levels in the duties performed.

Then, on February 10, 2023, the General Department of Vietnam Customs held a conference to thoroughly understand the implementation of the critical work program in 2023 and strengthen discipline in the duties and performance of officials at all levels. The conference seriously acknowledged, reviewed and assigned specific tasks to the leader of the units to urgently overcome the shortcomings and limitations.

At the same time, thoroughly implementing the key tasks in 2023 of the General Department of Vietnam Customs, the Directive on the synchronous and drastic implementation of trade facilitation solutions, improve the effectiveness of state management, and prevent revenue loss in revenue collection in 2023; Decision on assigning administrative reform targets and simplifying customs procedures to facilitate trade in 2023.

Strengthen the responsibility of the leader

In Directive No. 1036, the Director General of Vietnam Customs requested that leaders of the affiliated units, especially those assigned the task of managing the fields and areas directly related to enterprises and people, thoroughly understand and strictly implement the laws and regulations of the Customs sector.

Directive No. 1036 also sets out the general task of implementing the Key Work Program in 2023. That is, focusing resources on implementing and completing the Program; targets of administrative reform, simplifying customs procedures, and trade facilitation in 2023; key plans on administrative reform and control of administrative procedures of the General Department of Vietnam Customs. At the same time, improving the sense of responsibility in administrative procedure reform, increase the initiative in the process of solving work, creativity, dare to think, dare to do and take responsibility, proactively, promptly and effectively handling emergency and unexpected situations in the assigned unit or field.

In addition, synchronously and drastically implementing solutions to facilitate trade and improve the effectiveness of state management, combat revenue loss, and complete the task of revenue collection in 2023 and, for example, actively implementing solutions following Directive No. 4793 of General Department of Vietnam Customs on synchronous and drastic implementation of trade facilitation solutions, improving the effectiveness of state management, preventing revenue loss in revenue collection.

On the other hand, strengthening the fight against revenue loss through supervision, an inspection of customs procedures, post-clearance audit, specialized inspection, and fight against smuggling and trade fraud, focusing on anti-fraud and checking on quantity, value, codes, origin, trademarks of goods, etc. Strictly control, promptly detect and prevent illegal transportation and smuggling into inland; importing goods with counterfeit trademarks or infringing intellectual property rights; goods banned from import; goods subjected to customs supervision (transit goods, temporary import and re-export, export processing and export production).

At the same time, it strengthens administrative discipline in duties performance. Thoroughly grasping and strictly implementing the Party's regulations and the State's laws on strengthening discipline and administrative discipline in duties performance; carrying out the work of rotation, mobilization and change of working positions of civil servants and employees; strengthening the responsibility of the leader in implementing the regulations of the Party, the Government, the Ministry of Finance, the General Department of Customs on anti-corruption, control of assets and income of officials who hold position and authorities; implement regulations on publicity and transparency in management fields.

By Quang Hùng/Thanh Thuy

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