Strengthening coordination in fighting drug crimes

VCN - To improve efficiency and promote the role and strengths of each agency in fighting drug-related cases and special cases, the specialized agencies need to unify regulations on coordination to implement professional measures. Mr. Phan Quoc Dong, Deputy Director of the Anti-Smuggling Investigation Department, General Department of Customs, discussed with Customs Magazine about this issue.
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Drug crimes pose potential risks on all three routes Drug crimes pose potential risks on all three routes
The fight against drug crimes is still extremely arduous and challenging The fight against drug crimes is still extremely arduous and challenging
Department of Customs, speaks at the conference on coordination to exchange information between agencies specialized in fighting drug-related crimes at the central level in the second quarter of 2024. Photo: H.Nu:
Mr. Phan Quoc Dong, Deputy Director of the Anti-Smuggling Investigation Department under the General Department of Customs speaks at the conference on coordination to exchange information between specialized agencies in charge of fighting drug-related crimes at the central level in the second quarter of 2024. Photo: H.Nu:
In the first seven months of the year, the Customs presided over and coordinated with the Police, Border Guard, and Coast Guard to handle 205 cases with 240 arrests, and 1.39 tons of drugs of all kinds, of which the Customs agency presided over 77 cases.

Could you please tell us the current situation of drug crimes?

Drug trafficking activities are taking place very complicatedly on a global scale, of which the illegal transportation of drugs via sea and air routes tends to increase. In addition, psychotropic substances (NPS) has been developing after many years of stability, with 87 new kinds appearing on the market after 2021.

Meanwhile, the implementation of trade facilitation policies with open customs management mechanisms for import and export activities on all routes is putting Vietnam at risk of becoming a favorable area for criminals to transport narcotics.

At the road border, criminals often reinforce vehicles to hide drugs; disguise and hide drugs in goods, luggage, personal belongings, and on people; hire border residents, women, hired workers, unemployed people or pretend to be foreign visitors to transport drugs.

On air and express delivery routes, criminals often transport drugs through Noi Bai, Tan Son Nhat, and Da Nang international airports from European and American countries. In particular, drugs are transported from Tan Son Nhat International Airport to Noi Bai International Airport and then continuing to move by road and rail to the South.

The sea route is also considered a key route, with potential risks of smuggling of narcotics and precursors and psychotropic substances without a license from the competent authorities in the name of business goods. Recently, the situation of drugs drifting at sea in large quantities in coastal areas has reappeared, requiring the specialized agencies to apply professional measures synchronously, closely, and effectively.

What does the Customs do to maximize drug crime prevention?

Facing the complicated situation of drug crimes, through international cooperation channels, Vietnam Customs effectively carries out information exchange activities; supports verification, develops programs and plans to strengthen the fight against drugs in the field of customs, and strengthen international cooperation in the fighting drugs and precursors in framework of bilateral and multilateral cooperation agreements with countries in the Asia-Pacific region and other countries.

Since the beginning of the year, the General Department of Customs has issued 11 professional warnings on methods and tricks of drug trafficking and strengthened control of legal drug-related activities in the whole sector.

Along with equipping the specialized agencies in charge of drug-related crime prevention and fighting with knowledge, skills and experience, the Customs has also paid attention to provding modern machinery and equipment to serve customs control activities such as: luggage and goods scanners, container scanners, transport vehicle scanners, binoculars, weapons, support tools...; drug detectors, sniffer dogs, reagent suitcases.

In particular, the Customs has actively coordinated with the Police, Border Guard, and Coast Guard to exchange information, developments, and methods and tricks of various types of drug crimes; share information about wanted drug offenders; and share experiences in fighting all kinds of drug-related crimes.

What are difficulties, limitations, and obstacles often encountered in coordination with specialized agencies in charge of drug-related crime prevention and fighting?

The nature and activities of drug crimes are complex, criminals can move through many areas, under the management authority of many agencies. Therefore, if the agencies neither have close coordination with each other nor closely control their management areas and perform assigned functions and tasks well, and exchange information promptly, it is very easy to miss criminals or fail to completely solve criminal network.

Notably, the volume of imported and exported goods cross border gates is very large, posing increasing challenges in anti-drug related-crimes for the customs and specialized agencies.

Therefore, the Customs has coordinated with others and build fighting plans. However there some units that have not paid attention to this work and lacked of coordination in the implementation.

For the fight against drug crimes to achieve better results, how do specialized agencies need to coordinate with each other?

In order to improve efficiency and promote the role and strengths of each agency in the fighting against drug-related cases, and special cases, the specialized agencies should unify regulations implement professional measures to arrest criminals and seized drugs.

In addition, the specialized agencies regularly share information, reconnaissance skills and essential knowledge and skills in controlling of drugs and precursors, and solutions to deal with specific cases, thereby drawing lessons and applying highly effective methods; develop and implement of general investigation plans of agencies on each key route and area; promote participation in international cooperation programs and activities on drug prevention and combat to exchange information, support verification, and strengthen control of drugs and precursors.

Continuing to advise on improving institutions and creating a legal corridor; building specific mechanisms and invest in equipment for specialized agencies. In addition, boosting communication work on drug prevention and combat to raise awareness for the people, business community..., especially focusing in border areas, border gates, and "hot" spots of drug crimes.

Thank you!

By Hong Nu/ Huyen Trang

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