Listening to businesses at Quang Ninh Customs

VCN - Sharing and listening to businesses at forums or creating channels to receive opinions of businesses is a way for Quang Ninh Customs Department to timely support and accompany businesses to improve the business environment, and enhance the competitiveness of Quang Ninh province.
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Listening to businesses at Quang Ninh Customs
Leaders of Quang Ninh Customs Department met with more than 20 enterprises newly granted certificates of investment incentives, import-export activities in the area in 2022. Photo: Quang Ninh Customs

On the last days of 2022 and when the Lunar New Year is approaching, Customs News was in Quang Ninh as the unit is organizing a review and re-evaluation of a year of management duties.

We can feel the confidence and excitement of each cadre and civil servant because they have had a year of trying to overcome difficulties to contribute to the overall achievements of the unit.

Although brief, the work assessment report in 2022 of Quang Ninh Customs has fully stated the outstanding results in all aspects of professional activities. With the strong growth in declarations, turnover and targets of budget revenue, anti-smuggling, and post-clearance inspection, showing the workload of officials and employees increasing.

Looking at the results, it is impossible not to mention the efforts of Customs officers and employees in administrative procedure reform, supporting and accompanying to "retain", as well as attracting more new businesses.

2022 is the 6th consecutive year that Quang Ninh Customs Department maintains the assessment of the business community on service quality through the implementation of grassroots competitiveness assessment. This is also a measure to help the unit promptly identify and overcome limitations to better serve people and businesses. Surveys to collect opinions from the business community about the service quality of Quang Ninh Customs Department this year have attracted the participation of more than 700 businesses across the country. The assessment and ranking of Customs Sub-Departments under eight component indexes such as Transparency and access to information; Effective enforcement of laws and legal institutions; Service quality and efficiency (customs services, public services); Cost of time to carry out customs procedures, administrative procedures and compliance with customs regulations.

Deputy Director of Quang Ninh Customs Department Trinh Van Nhuan said the set of grassroots competitiveness index (CDCI) is an initiative implemented by Quang Ninh Customs Department since 2017 and has become an important, effective and reliable information channel for enterprises to assess the quality of management, administration and support of the affiliated customs branches.

Thanks to CDCI, it has helped the unit approach the opinions of businesses to clearly identify the weaknesses that need to be overcome, thereby improving the quality of management, administration and support for businesses.

Since May 15, 2021, Quang Ninh Customs Department officially operated "The system to evaluate service quality of civil servants under Quang Ninh Customs Department in the process of handling procedures". In 2022, entering the second year of implementation, Quang Ninh Customs has recorded tens of thousands of evaluation votes from businesses that are satisfied with the service quality of Customs officers, teams/working groups, and customs branches.

In 2022, when the Covid-19 pandemic was basically under control, 6 of 6 customs branches simultaneously organized working groups to visit hundreds of import-export businesses. Through these face-to-face meetings, each branch has grasped the business plan, and found the fastest connection and support solution between enterprises and provincial departments and agencies.

The efforts are recognized by businesses and authorities

In 2022, Quang Ninh Customs organized two symposiums to discuss in-depth discussions, 13 conferences at branch level, and four delegations of the Department's leaders to directly contact enterprises, to thoroughly and quickly solve the 130 problems of enterprises. Representatives of businesses are not only satisfied with the service attitude of Customs officers and employees, but also recognize the spirit of market demand, listening to thoughts and aspirations from the business community.

Representatives of many businesses were very satisfied with the service attitude of Quang Ninh Customs officers.

Representatives of some businesses said that instead of giving feedback in writing, the implementation of a survey or through the Service Quality Assessment System helps businesses easily access and provide timely feedback to the Customs office. After the declaration is cleared, the service quality assessment system of civil servants is built-in, easy for businesses to access, it does not take too much time to send feedback.

Noting the results of Quang Ninh Customs officers and employees, Vice Chairman of Quang Ninh Provincial People's Committee Bui Van Khang emphasized that in 2022, Quang Ninh Customs has made a positive contribution to the economic growth of the province, contributing to create more jobs and improving people's living standards. In particular, in the context of Quang Ninh province concentrating all resources, removing all difficulties for the coal industry to stabilize production and product consumption, Quang Ninh Customs always accompanies and actively removes difficulties in the field of coal production and import sector, quick release of goods, facilitate customs clearance, ensure energy security.

In addition, the unit is always at the forefront of restoring import and export activities on the road border gate, promoting the consumption of exported local products.

“In 2022, thanks to shortening customs clearance time, solving administrative procedures for businesses in a thorough and timely manner, especially digital transformation, Quang Ninh Customs has attracted and "retained" businesses in the field of electronics come to do the procedures, contributing to the budget revenue. On the other hand, in the field of national defense and security, sovereignty over sea and island borders, at border gates, the Customs force has actively coordinated in epidemic prevention and control, facilitating customs clearance, fighting against epidemics, fighting smuggling and commercial fraud," Mr. Bui Van Khang said.

By QuangHung/Quynhlan

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