Steering Committee 389 of the Ministry of Finance: Continue to drastically and synchronously deploy anti-smuggling solutions

VCN - Promoting positive results in the peak period of anti-smuggling prevention and combat before, during and after the Lunar New Year 2024, Steering Committee 389 of the Ministry of Finance directed competent forces to continue drastic implementation and synchronize solutions to prevent and combat smuggling.
Customs officers of Cha Lo Border Gate Customs Branch (Quang Binh Customs Department) perform patrols and control in border areas and border gates on the occasion of Tet 2024. Photo: T.Bình
Customs officers of Cha Lo Border Gate Customs Branch (Quang Binh Customs Department) perform patrols and control in border areas and border gates on Tet 2024. Photo: T.Bình

Customs handled 3,483 violations

Steering Committee 389 of the Ministry of Finance has just reported on the results of implementing the peak plan to fight against smuggling, trade fraud, and counterfeit goods before, during and after the Lunar New Year 2024 (from December 15, 2023 to March 15, 2024).

During the implementation of Plan No. 115/KH-BCD389 dated December 8, 2023 of the National Steering Committee 389, Plan No. 146/KH-BCD389 dated November 30, 2023 of the Steering Committee 389 of the Ministry Finance (from December 15, 2023 to March 15, 2024) on peak implementation of anti-smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeit goods before, during and after the Lunar New Year 2024, General Department of Vietnam Customs and General Department of Taxation have chaired and coordinated with competent forces to detect, arrest and handle many cases of law violations.

The Customs sector has chaired and seized a total of 3,483 cases of customs law violations. The value of infringing goods is estimated at VND 5,816 billion. The Customs authority has prosecuted 4 criminal cases and transferred to other agencies to prosecute 30 cases; the amount of money collected to the state budget from anti-smuggling and handling of customs law violations is VND 116.4 billion.

The Tax Department has inspected and examined 14,593 businesses and inspected 185,352 tax declaration dossiers at the Tax offices. The total amount proposed to be handled through inspection and examination is VND 13,951 billion. In particular, the total amount of money increased through inspection and examination is VND 4,253 billion, the total amount of taxes paid to the state budget is VND 2,641 billion (the tax amount paid into the budget includes the amount of increased revenue through inspection and examination arising in the first quarter of 2024 and the amount of increased revenue through inspection and examination of previous periods).

Specifically, regarding the inspection results, the Tax sector has inspected 371 businesses. The total amount of taxes collected, refunded, and fined is VND 1,221 billion, reduced deductions are VND 62 billion, reduced losses are VND 1,476 billion, and the amount of taxes paid to the budget is VND 776 billion.

For inspections at taxpayers' headquarters, 14,222 enterprises were inspected. The total amount of tax collected, refunded, and fined through inspection is VND 2,854 billion, reduced deduction by VND 437 billion, reduced loss by VND 7,528 billion, tax amount paid to the budget is VND 1,687 billion.

Regarding inspection at the Tax office, the total number of documents inspected is 185,352 documents; the adjusted tax amount increased or decreased, fixed at VND 178 billion, reduced deductions by VND 23 billion, and reduced loss by VND 173 billion.

Contribute to market stability and domestic security

Steering Committee 389 of the Ministry of Finance assessed that the units (General Department of Vietnam Customs, General Department of Taxation, Inspectorate of the Ministry of Finance...) have organized to disseminate, thoroughly grasp and strictly implement Plan No. 115/KH-BCD389 of the National Steering Committee 389 and Plan No. 146/KH-BCD389 of the Steering Committee 389 of the Ministry of Finance.

Violations were detected by professional units under Steering Committee 389 of the Ministry of Finance. Notably, cases of smuggling and illegal transportation of drugs, firecrackers, and weapons... were discovered and seized by Customs authorities. It has contributed to improving the effectiveness of anti-smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeit goods, protecting the legitimate interests of individuals, organizations, businesses, and consumer rights, and contributing to stabilizing the market and domestic security before, during and after the Lunar New Year 2024.

The process of planning and deploying the plan has ensured compliance with the provisions of law, and facilitated production, business, import, and export activities, without affecting or hampering production and transportation activities, trading, importing, and exporting normal and legal goods by organizations and individuals.

Promoting the results achieved during the implementation of Plan No. 115/KH-BCD389, to improve capacity and efficiency in the fight against smuggling, trade fraud, and illegal transportation of goods across borders, from now until the end of 2024, Steering Committee 389 of the Ministry of Finance continues to focus on well implementing key work contents such as continuing to promote the role of advising and assisting the leaders of the Ministry of Finance to advise the Government, Prime Minister, National Steering Committee 389, Steering Committee 138/CP... in directing and operating, assessing and forecasting the situation, providing guidance and professional warnings; timely implement the instructions of leaders at all levels... to improve the effectiveness of anti-smuggling and trade fraud.

Sticking to the direction of key tasks in 2024 in the fight against smuggling and trade fraud stated in Notice No. 38/TB-VPTT dated February 2, 2023 of the Government Office on the conclusion of the Deputy Prime Minister Government Tran Luu Quang, Head of Steering Committee 138/CP and National Steering Committee 389 at the National Online Conference on work in 2023, directions and tasks in 2024 of Steering Committee 138/CP and National Steering Committee 389.

Continuing to implement Plan No. 79/BTC-BCD389 dated October 14, 2022 of Steering Committee 389 of the Ministry of Finance on implementing the Plan to combat smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeit goods on border lines, sea areas and inland areas; Plan No.92/BTC-BCD389 dated December 5, 2022 of Steering Committee 389 of the Ministry of Finance on implementing the Plan on combating smuggling, trade fraud, illegal transportation of goods through international airports. Furthermore, continue implementing tasks and goals that have been determined by the Steering Committee 389 of the Ministry of Finance in Report No. 01/BC-BCD389 dated January 5, 2024 on the results of anti-smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeit goods in 2023 and mission in 2024.

By Thái Bìnhh/Thanh Thuy

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