The 30th APEC Finance Ministers

The 30th APEC Finance Ministers' Conference was a great success

VCN - As part of the 2023 APEC Finance Ministers' Process, the 30th APEC Finance Ministers' Conference was held in San Francisco, USA. Receiving the invitation of US Finance Minister Janet L. Yellen, Minister Ho Duc Phoc led the Vietnamese delegation of t
Repayment pressure on corporate bonds to peak next year

Repayment pressure on corporate bonds to peak next year

Total corporate bonds set to mature in 2024 will reach 329.5 trillion VND (13.5 billion USD), the highest in three years, according to a report by the Ho Chi Minh City Real Estate Association (HoREA).
Minister of Finance Ho Duc Phoc chaired the Investment Promotion Conference in the US

Minister of Finance Ho Duc Phoc chaired the Investment Promotion Conference in the US

VCN - Speaking at the opening of the conference, Minister of Finance Ho Duc Phoc stated the positive signs in the Vietnamese macroeconomy, the Government's development policies, and the implementation of the socio-economic development strategy.

Vietnam's M&A attractive to foreign investors

An influx of new capital from European and US firms into Vietnam has become noticeable, with the local mergers and acquisitions (M&A) market expected to maintain its attractiveness despite its relatively modest scale.
Enhancing the application of risk management in tax administration and preventing tax loss

Enhancing the application of risk management in tax administration and preventing tax loss

VCN - Recent developments show that some taxpayers, exploiting the leniency of mechanisms and policies, have established companies mainly for illegal activities such as buying and selling fake invoices.
Central bank ceases bill issue amid increasing interbank interest rates

Central bank ceases bill issue amid increasing interbank interest rates

The State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) has ceased bill issue after nearly two months of using the channel to withdraw cash out of the banking system.
Digital transformation of Customs and Taxation brings many benefits

Digital transformation of Customs and Taxation brings many benefits

VCN - Discussing at the 2023 Tax - Customs Forum, Dr. Can Van Luc said that the digital transformation of the Customs and Tax sectors has had very positive impacts on people and businesses, thereby creating new deep impression.
Tax sector’s revenue estimated at over VND 1.2 million billion

Tax sector’s revenue estimated at over VND 1.2 million billion

VCN – The total revenue collected by the Tax sector in October reached VND 151,000 billion, meeting 11% of the estimate and 81.1% year-on-year, the General Department of Taxation released.
People and businesses highly appreciate the digital transformation of the Finance Sector

People and businesses highly appreciate the digital transformation of the Finance Sector

VCN - For the past 7 consecutive years, the Ministry of Finance has always ranked first in the index of readiness for the development and application of information and communications technology (ICT Index).
Application of global minimum tax necessary: officials

Application of global minimum tax necessary: officials

The National Assembly (NA) on November 10 listened to the proposal on a draft resolution on the imposition of top-up corporate income tax under the Global Anti-Base Erosion (GloBE) rules, and a verification report on this draft.
Promote administrative reform and electronicize tax management through the application of information technology

Promote administrative reform and electronicize tax management through the application of information technology

VCN - Through review, the General Department of Taxation has selected 19 tools that meet tax management requirements.
Finance sector strives to complete budget collection task

Finance sector strives to complete budget collection task

VCN - On the afternoon of November 8, the Ministry of Finance organized an online conference to report the budget work in October, deploy tasks for November and the last months of 2023. Deputy Minister of Finance Vo Thanh Hung chaired the conference.
Minister of Finance states reason for not abolishing compulsory insurance for motorbikes

Minister of Finance states reason for not abolishing compulsory insurance for motorbikes

VCN - At the question and answer session on November 6, National Assembly delegate Huynh Thi Phuc (Ba Ria - Vung Tau delegation) asked about the Ministry of Finance's opinion on abolishing compulsory motorbike insurance.
Fiscal policy expansion to bolster economic revival

Fiscal policy expansion to bolster economic revival

VCN - In response to socio-economic fluctuations, the Ministry of Finance, after deploying a series of tax, fee, charge, and land rent relief measures in 2023, continues to devise supportive policies for the commercial sector in 2024, earning commendation
Handling public assets to ensure effective use

Handling public assets to ensure effective use

VCN - Delegate Duong Minh Anh (Hanoi delegation) asked Minister of Finance about problems related to the public asset management, law on management and use of public assets, finance, and land. Some legal documents in the management and use of public asset
Corporate bonds worth over 8.61 billion USD issued in 10 months

Corporate bonds worth over 8.61 billion USD issued in 10 months

Over 209.15 trillion VND (over 8.61 billion USD) was raised from the issuance of corporate bonds in the first 10 months of 2023, according to data compiled by the Vietnam Bond Market Association (VBMA) from the Hanoi Stock Exchange (HNX) and the State Securities Commission (SSC).
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2025 budget estimation must be practical, accurate and efficient

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