Handling public assets to ensure effective use

VCN- On the morning of November 6, under the chair of National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue, the National Assembly implemented the question-and-answer session. At the session, National Assembly delegates were intersected in the public asset management and asked Minister of Finance.
Strengthening management and use of public assets Strengthening management and use of public assets
Amend regulations on management and use of public assets Amend regulations on management and use of public assets
Handling public assets to ensure effective use

Continue to improve legal policies on public property

Delegate Duong Minh Anh (Hanoi delegation) asked the Minister of Finance about problems related to public asset management, law on management and use of public assets, finance, and land. Some legal documents in the management and use of public assets still show shortcomings and are issued slowly.

Regarding this matter, Minister of Finance Ho Duc Phoc said that the Law on Public Asset Management 2017 was issued. After the Law was promulgated, the Government issued 20 decrees and the Prime Minister issued three decisions, the Ministry of Finance issued 15 guiding circulars.

The Minister said that the public assets involve all sectors and levels, from the commune level to the central level, so the scope of management is very large. Public asset management shows the responsibility of the person assigned to manage public assets for using public assets effectively. The Ministry of Finance proposes the National Assembly and the National Assembly Standing Committee to amend the Law on Public Asset Management to improve legal policies in this matter.

Delegate Le Hoang Anh (Gia Lai delegation) said that voters recognized the positive changes in the practice of saving in recurrent expenditure, especially after the National Assembly issued Resolution No.74/2022/QH15 on promoting the implementation of policies and laws on thrift practice and waste combat. In addition, the delegate voiced concern about the slow promulgation of the Government's Decree guiding the performance of tasks assigned by the National Assembly.

Handling public assets to ensure effective use

Delegate Le Hoang Anh (Gia Lai delegation) sends questions to the Minister of Finance.

The delegate proposed to the Minister of Finance to state the causes, responsibilities and solutions to overcome the slow promulgation as well as improvement of the effectiveness of performing the tasks assigned by the National Assembly in Resolution 74.

Responding to delegate Le Hoang Anh's question, the Minister of Finance said that after Resolution No. 74 of the National Assembly was issued, the Ministry of Finance gathered feedback from ministries and agencies. In March, the Prime Minister issued a decision on a program of thrift practice and waste combat for implementation in the following years. Because it involves many sectors, and levels and has to get opinions from many agencies, so the promulgation of a Decree is slow compared to regulations. The Minister said that the implementation of Resolution 74 aims to improve the responsibilities of asset management agencies.

Regarding the state management agency on public assets, the Minister affirmed that the Ministry will strengthen inspection and examination; and build a database of public assets to monitor changes in public assets, thereby managing effectively.

Enhance the responsibility of the public asset manager

Delegate Doan Thi Thanh Mai (Hung Yen delegation) voiced concern about the effective management of public assets when rearranging district and commune-level administrative units. According to the delegate, the handling of real estate when rearranging administrative units at district and commune levels is still slow, many administrative offices are still vacant while many agencies use the same workplace, so the delegate proposed to the Minister to resolve this situation.

Handling public assets to ensure effective use
The question-and-answer session is on November 6.

Regarding this issue, Minister Ho Duc Phoc said that provincial-level public assets are under the management of the local People's Committees. The public assets at the central level are managed by the Government, the Government's advisory agency is the Ministry of Finance and the agencies directly managing public assets are ministries and sectors.

The Minister said that currently 90% of public assets at district and provincial units have been arranged, and only 10% of public assets have not yet been handled, including about 500 500 public assets that are vacant, causing waste.

When transferring public assets to agencies and units in many different areas, some units have no need to use the assets. Besides, in order to determine the price of the public assets for selling, however, there is no assessment agency. In addition, to change the purpose of using public assets, we also go through many procedures such as implementing assessments, changing land use purposes, readjusting planning...

The Minister said that in mid-September, the Ministry of Finance provided guidance and worked with relevant units to handle public assets, ensuring their effective use.

Asking a question to the Minister of Finance, delegate Nguyen Tao (Lam Dong delegation) said that voters voiced concern about the wasteful and negative situation in the management and use of public assets, showing obstacles and loopholes in public asset management.

Regarding public asset management, the Minister of Finance said that work is under management by ministers, sectors and levels, and is in charge of the person directly managing public assets and the heads of these units. The management agencies are responsible for any loss of public assets. The Ministry of Finance has the role of guiding legal documents related to management and economic and technical norms.

The Minister of Finance said that it is necessary to improve the responsibility for public asset management. The Ministry of Finance will promote inspection of this work.

By Hoai Anh/Hoang Loan

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