Proposing to review and handle difficulties and obstacles in anti-smuggling work

The Head of the National Steering Committee 389 has just asked the Supreme People's Procuracy, the Supreme People's Court and ministries, branches and localities to review and handle difficulties and obstacles in the fight against smuggling, commercial fraud and counterfeit goods for consideration and handling according to competence.
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The first quarter of 2023 briefing session of the National Steering Committee 389. Photo: Q.H
The first quarter of 2023 briefing session of the National Steering Committee 389. Photo: Q.H

At the working briefing meeting in the first quarter of 2023 of the National Steering Committee 389 held in May 2023, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang, Head of the National Steering Committee 389 asked the Steering Committee 389 of Ministries, sectors and localities to continue to review and report new difficulties and problems arising in the fight against smuggling, commercial fraud and counterfeiting.

Accordingly, on the basis of the system of results of reviewing and dealing with newly arising difficulties and problems, the Standing Office of the National Steering Committee 389 has advised the Head of the Steering Committee to issue a dispatch requesting the Supreme People's Procuracy, the Supreme People's Court and requested ministries, branches and localities to review and handle difficulties and obstacles in the fight against smuggling, commercial fraud and counterfeit goods, with more than 250 contents of problems and difficulties.

Firstly, difficulties and problems related to legal mechanisms and policies: many difficulties and problems related to 9 Codes and Laws, 1 Ordinance, 1 Resolution of the Judicial Council of the Supreme People's Court, 33 Decrees, 5 Decisions of the Prime Minister and Head of the National Steering Committee 389, 20 Circulars, are proposed to amend, supplement or replace and guide the implementation. The competent authorities according to the roadmap have gradually removed difficulties and obstacles for functional forces to carry out the work of combating smuggling, commercial fraud and counterfeiting. However, there are still many shortcomings such as not updating difficulties and obstacles in a systematic and comprehensive manner and requiring administrative reform, many recommendations are still general, scattered, and subjective opinions are integrated, some handling authorities are still slow to accept and the handling of difficulties and problems is still long...

Secondly, difficulties and obstacles in the coordination relationship: the coordination mechanism between agencies in charge of combating smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeiting shall comply with the Decisions of the Prime Minister, the Head of the National Steering Committee 389 and regulations on coordination among forces, functional units and localities have basically coordinated well. However, at times, there are places, there are units, localities, and regions that still have the situation of cutting off areas, interests, achievements, regions, and forces. The overlapping of assignment, decentralization, functions, tasks and handling authority, not clearly distinguishing responsibilities, especially the responsibility of the head, leads to loose management.

In addition, the sharing of information is limited, irregular, and not synchronized connection to exploit the advantages of information data of ministries, branches and localities related to the fight against smuggling, commercial fraud and counterfeit goods; the coordination between enterprises, manufacturers, distributors and law enforcement agencies in combating smuggling, commercial fraud and counterfeiting in detecting and handling violations is still limited.

At the same time, international cooperation and relations (sharing information on transnational crimes, entrusting investigation, extradition, etc.) in the field of combating smuggling, commercial fraud and counterfeiting face many difficulties.

Thirdly, it is recommended to supplement funding and logistics for combating smuggling, commercial fraud and counterfeit goods, such as procurement of equipment, supporting tools, specialized means, construction of warehouses and storage facilities, exhibits and evidences of cases, building regional inspection and testing centers...

Step by step strengthen the contingent of officers and forces to fight against smuggling, commercial fraud and counterfeit goods, ensuring in quantity, with sufficient qualities, bravery and qualifications to complete assigned tasks, regular intensive training and specialized professional training.

Customs strengthens anti-smuggling work of petrol, coal Customs strengthens anti-smuggling work of petrol, coal

VCN - The General Department of Customs has directed the Anti-Smuggling and Investigation Department and local customs ...

Decentralization, assignment of responsibility for management of subjects, areas, and fields attached to responsibility of the leader if serious and prolonged smuggling, commercial fraud and counterfeit goods occur within the field, location and management responsibilities…

By Quang Hung/ Huyen Trang

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