Documents required for vehicles transporting cargo across Lang Son Border Gate from August 1

VCN - VCN- Vehicles carrying import and export cargo across customs clearance routes and specialized roads in the international border gate pair of Huu Nghi (Vietnam) - Huu Nghi Quan (China) must comply with international treaties and regulations of Vietnam Law. Accordingly, the vehicles transporting import and export cargo across Lang Son border gates are required to have at least seven valid documents from August 1, 2024, Lang Son Department of Industry and Trade notified.
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Documents required for vehicles transporting cargo across Lang Son Border Gate from August 1
Vehicles transporting goods across Huu Nghi International Border Gate. Photo: H.N

On July 18, Lang Son Department of Industry and Trade notified the method of delivery and receipt of import and export cargo transported across customs clearance routes and specialized roads in the International Border Gate pair of Huu Nghi (Vietnam) - Huu Nghi Quan (China) from August 1, 2024.

Regarding the two-way goods delivery method, Lang Son Department of Industry and Trade said that in early 2020, due to the complicated situation of the Covid-19 pandemic, Lang Son province agreed with authorities of Guangxi (China) to implement the two-way goods delivery method to improve customs clearance capacity for imports and exports across Huu Nghi International Border Bate.

Currently, the time for Covid-19 pandemic prevention and control has ended, the Road Transport Agreement between Vietnam and China, the Protocol to implement the Road Transport Agreement between Vietnam and China have not yet regulated. Therefore, the two sides have agreed not to implement the two-way goods delivery method, Lang Son Department of Industry and Trade said.

Lang Son Department of Industry and Trade said that currently, customs clearance routes and specialized roads for transporting goods (including specialized roads for transporting goods in the 1119-1120 landmark area, specialized roads for transporting goods in the landmark area 1088/2-1089, Coc Nam - Lung Nghiu customs clearance area in the landmark area 1104-1105) have been officially announced as belonging to the international border gate pair of Huu Nghi (Vietnam) - Huu Nghi Quan (China).

The management of vehicles transporting import and export goods across customs clearance routes and specialized roads belonging to the international border gate pair must comply with international treaties, including: Road Transport Agreement between Vietnam and China, Protocol to implement the Road Transport Agreement between Vietnam and China, international practices and provisions of Vietnam law.

Regarding the required documents for vehicles transporting import and export cargo across customs clearance routes and specialized roads of the international border gate of Huu Nghi (Vietnam) –Huu Nghi Quan (China) must have all valid documents as prescribed in Point 2.2, Clause 2, Article 6 of the Protocol to implement the Road Transport Agreement between Vietnam and China signed on October 11, 2011 and Clause 6, Article 16 of Circular 37/2023/TT-BGTVT dated December 13, 2023 of the Minister of Transport.

Specifically, these documents include Transport license; Vehicle registration certificate; Certificate of technical safety and environmental protection; License plates; Delivery note; Customs declaration; Certificate of civil liability insurance for third parties and related documents at the border gate applicable to vehicles on exit and entry.

The regulation will be applied from August 1, 2024.

Lang Son Department of Industry and Trade proposes the Departments of Industry and Trade of provinces and cities to notify businesses, traders, shippers, transport operators and vehicle drivers and units trading across border gates in Lang Son province to know and implement.

Lang Son Department of Industry and Trade also requests agencies, departments and branches including: Border Guard, Customs, Department of Transport, Department of Information and Communications, Dong Dang - Lang Son Border Gate Economic Zone Management Board, Quarantine agencies in Lang Son province to direct enforcement units at the border gate to notify and closely manage and control vehicles transporting cargo across customs clearance routes and specialized roads at Huu Nghi International Border Gate to comply with the Law and policies of the Provincial People's Committee in Notice No. 387/TB-UBND dated July 11, 2024.

Lang Son Department of Industry and Trade requests businesses, traders, shippers, transport operators, drivers of vehicles, and units trading across border gates in Lang Son province to grasp the policy, ensuring full preparation of valid documents during the implementation of export and import procedures.

At the same time, comply with the inspection, supervision and instructions of the enforcement authorities at the border gate, and the process of delivering import and export goods across customs clearance routes and specialized roads for transporting goods in international border gate pair of Huu Nghi (Vietnam) - Huu Nghi Quan (China).

By Nu Bui/Ngoc Loan

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