Ba Ria - Vung Tau Customs effectively control imported scrap

VCN - Ba Ria - Vung Tau Customs Department is assessed by the General Department of Customs as one of the departments that well conduct release of containers of backlogged scrap.
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An officer of Cai Mep port border gate Customs Branch inspects imported scrap. Photo: N.H
An officer of Cai Mep port border gate Customs Branch inspects imported scrap. Photo: N.H

84 containers re-exported

After the General Department of Customs issued Official Letter 6632 dated October 22, 2019 guiding the dealing with goods as scrap backlogged at seaports, Ba Ria-Vung Tau Customs has urgently carried out the inventory and classification of these shipments. However, the inventory was conducted manually so it is not possible to determine whether the goods are eligible for import. Therefore, Ba Ria - Vung Tau Customs Department conducted a tender to hire an inspection organization to classify the backlogged scrap, according to the Ba Ria - Vung Tau Customs Department,

As a result, 140 containers of scraps are on the list under Decision 73/2014 and meet national technical standards on environment; 185 containers are not on the list of scrap allowed to be imported under Decision 73/2014 but fail to meet the national technical regulations on environment.

Ba Ria - Vung Tau Customs notified shipping lines to re-export the 185 containers out of Vietnam's territory. Currently, there are six shipping lines that have re-exported 84 containers out of Vietnam's territory, and 101 containers have not yet to be re-exported.

For the 101 containers that have been not re-exported, under Dispatch 333 dated January 21, 2021 and Dispatch 4555 dated September 22, 2021 of the General Department of Customs on dealing with backlogged goods, the Cai Mep port border gate Customs Branch has made a record of administrative violations on the act of bringing goods on the list of goods banned from import into Vietnam, and issued a decision to apply remedial measures to force re-export for the six shipping lines, of which Cosco Shipping Lines Vietnam Co., Ltd (COSCO shipping line) has re-exported 34 containers of backlogged scrap.

For the remaining five shipping lines, the customs branch issued five decisions on forced destruction. So far, Cai Mep port border gate Customs Branch has sent a dispatch to urge the shipping lines to implement the decision on destruction of the backlogged scrap and requested the shipping lines to report on the plan, time, location of the destruction to the customs for supervision according to the provisions of law.

Based on the plan for the destruction, time, location, detailed list of containers, name of the specific destruction sent by shipping lines, Cai Mep Port Customs Branch will issue destruction plan.

For 140 containers of scrap on the list under Decision 73 and meeting national technical regulations on environment, Ba Ria - Vung Tau Customs Department is conducting price appraisal. After obtaining the Certificate of Valuation, it will be submitted to the Council for Handling of Backlogged Goods to decide the starting price, before organizing an auction according to regulations.

Prevent ineligible shipments

Ba Ria - Vung Tau Customs Department said that the import of scrap is still a problem. Therefore, the Customs sector will continue to develop solutions to prevent enterprises from importing scrap to the port but refusing to receive them.

Accordingly, the Customs sector has been applying many drastic measures to control imported scrap, including remote prevention of imported scrap shipments that do not meet regulations. Specifically, the Customs authority requires shipping lines, shipping agents, must provide clear and specific information about the goods owner in Vietnam (name) enterprise, tax identification number, address, certificate number, certificate of eligibility for environmental protection in import of scrap as raw production materials, etc.) on the E-Manifest.

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The description of goods must be fulfilled to identify the type of scrap against that permitted to be imported from abroad as raw production materials. Imported scrap is not permitted to be unloaded if the owner is not on the list of organizations and individuals that have been granted a certificate of eligibility for environmental protection in importing scrap for use as raw production materials and have not make a security deposit for imported scrap. The Customs authority has applied remote prevention measures while the goods are still on board and resolutely do not allow unloading of waste and scrap goods that are not eligible for import to the port and stop the situation that every cargo that arrives at the port is unloaded regardless of the enterprise or the quality, causing overload at ports.

By Hien-Hoa/ Huyen Trang

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