Significantly change in prevention and fight against crime, smuggling and counterfeit goods

VCN- DeputyPrime Minister Truong Hoa Binh,Head of Steering Committee 138/CP and National Steering Committee 389, requests ministries, sectors and localities focus on performing keys tasks to achieve significant change in prevention and fight against crime, smuggling and counterfeit goods in the coming time.
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Fake products are displayed for consumer to distinguish. Photo:T.D

In 2020, amid many difficulties and challenges, especially the adverse impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic and natural disasters, storms and floods, motivated by the active participation and great determination of the entire political system and the drastic and effective direction by the Party, the Government, the Prime Minister and great effort of all levels, sectors, people and businesses, Vietnam has achieved impressive and comprehensive results in all fields.

In addition to achieved results, the prevention and fight against crime, smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeit goods are still limited. To gain significant change in this work, DeputyPrime Minister Truong Hoa Binh- Head of Steering Committee 138/CP requests ministries, sectors and localities to continue to implementstrictly and effectively follow the directions by the Government, the Prime Minister, Steering Committee 138/CP and Steering Committee 389.

All ministries, sectors and localities must always identify this work is a key and regular political task.

Improve the responsibility of the head,the head of the unit and competent body must have great determination in the prevention and fight against crime, smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeit goods; if there are serious, complicatedand lengthy cases related to crime, trade fraud and counterfeit goods, or officers who have negative actions and corruption, the head of the unit must be handled and be considered for the assignment of another working position in accordance with regulations.

Building a contingent of cadres with integrity and bravery

At the same time, ministries, sectors and localities must strictly comply with the Party’s directives and resolutions, especially prevent and combat the recession in political ideology, morality, lifestyle and manifestations of internal self-evolution and self-transformation.

Strengthen inspection, public service inspection; prevent corruption, including "petty corruption", in administrative agencies, avoiding the situation wherepeople get frustrated and loseconfidence in cadres and civil servants.

Prevent and combat crime, smuggling and trade fraud within competent bodies (Police, Customs, Market Surveillance, Border Guard, Coast Guard, Tax) andstrictly handle violations, dismiss cadres and civil servants who showrecession in political ideology and support crime and law violations.

Determine to build a contingent of cadres and civil servants with integrity and braverywho have good moral qualities, capabilitiesand qualifications meeting the task requirement in the new situation.

Ministries, sectors and localities must perform crime prevention and operational activitieswell, basic investigation; grasp the area, receive and handle information on denouncing crimes, propose prosecution and detect criminal signs and law-breaking acts to take effective measures to prevent and handle, especially crimes which tend to increase recently.

Prevent the establishment of security hotspots

For organised crimes, human and drugs trafficking, "black credit", the use of high technology, exploitation of sand and gravel; crimes related to COVID-19 prevention and control; smuggling, especially smuggling of petroleum products, minerals, cigarettes, sugar, fertilisers, production and trading of counterfeit goods, goods affecting people's health, corruption crimes.

The Deputy Prime Minister asked the competent forces to establish a special plan to expand verification and investigation to completely and accurately tackle perpetrators.

Strengthen dissemination and publicity of the law. Regularly meet, talk, understand the desires and aspirations of people and businesses, enhance the role of mass organisations, news agencies, especially the people in monitoring, inspect and supervise public service activities.

Promote the movement of all people participating in the fight against crime, smuggling, commercial fraud and fake goods. To receive and promptly handle denunciations frompeople right from the grassroots level, and prevent the establishment of security and order hotspots.

Continue to improve institutions in crime prevention and combat and State management on social order and safety; review and newly build or supplement and amend legal provisions related to the prevention of and fight against crime, smuggling, trade fraud and fake goods that are still loophole. Promote administrative reform and IT application in management, cuttingmanagement and implementation costs, contributing to preventing negative acts and facilitating production and business.

By Huong Diu/Ngoc Loan

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