HCM City prevents and handles many prominent groups of counterfeit and smuggled goods

VCN - Competent forces in HCM City have focused on controlling and handling many outstanding groups of contraband and counterfeit goods on the market under the direction of the Prime Minister.
HCM City Market Surveillance Force inspects e-cigarette shops. Photo: L.T
HCM City Market Surveillance Force inspects e-cigarette shops. Photo: L.T

According to the HCM City Market Surveillance Agency, in the first 5 months of 2024, Market Surveillance Teams have focused on implementing solutions to improve efficiency in market inspection and control; closely supervise business activities in traditional trade and e-commerce, focusing on handling e-cigarettes and heated cigarettes that have not been allowed to circulate in Vietnam. As a result, the Market Surveillance Teams detected, inspected and dealt with 19 cases of e-cigarette violations, temporarily seizing 15,54 violating products, including e-cigarettes, essential oils, and accessories with a total value of more than VND5.2 billion and a fine of VND347 million was imposed.

Furthermore, many cases of large quantities of trading have been processed. Most recently, on May 16, 2024, Market Surveillance Team No. 16 inspected the business location at 710 Tan Ky Tan Quy Street, Binh Hung Hoa Ward, Binh Tan District, HCM City. Then competent force discovered that there were 76 electronic cigarette machines with foreign-made Vapmod brand e-cigarettes being sold here without invoices or documents, so they were temporarily detained for handling following the regulations.

Previously, on March 13, 2024, Market Surveillance Team No. 3 coordinated with the Department of Cyber ​​Security and High-Tech Crime Prevention and Control to inspect business household L, address in Tan Son Nhi ward, Tan Phu district and Nguyen Cu Trinh ward, district 1. Then, they found 10,266 units of all kinds of electronic cigarette products, accessories and essential oils used for electronic cigarettes of unknown origin, or without invoices and documents, so a record of temporary seizure of the above goods has been made to handle according to regulations.

Currently, e-cigarettes are creeping into schools and being abused by young people. Therefore, beside strengthening inspection, control, and strict handling of organizations and individuals trading, storing, and transporting smuggled e-cigarettes, the HCM City Market Surveillance Agency also promotes dissemination to a large audience, especially teenagers and students, about the harmful effects of e-cigarettes and the inspection work of the Market Surveillance force on this product. It aims to create a significant change from awareness to action of young people in raising awareness of law observance.

In the coming time, the HCM City Market Surveillance Agency will continue to direct working teams to strengthen local management, focusing on inspecting and strictly handling organizations and individuals that trade, store, and transport illegally imported electronic cigarettes and heated cigarettes following the official dispatch No. 47/CD-TTg dated May 13, 2024 of the Prime Minister.

Recommend criminal prosecution of many smuggling cases

Among nearly 2,000 violations discovered by the HCM City Market Surveillance Agency in the first 5 months of 2024, this unit has transferred to the Police Investigation Agency - HCM City Police to request criminal prosecution of 6 serious violations. In May 2024 alone, the HCM City Market Surveillance Agency conducted inspections and discovered 418 cases of violations. The unit has processed and collected more than VND 10 billion to the state budget; destruction of goods worth more than VND 4 billion; and transferred to the Police to investigate 2 cases showing signs of smuggling crimes, with the value of illegal evidence being more than VND 10 billion.

According to the HCM City Market Surveillance Agency, through violations, subjects take advantage of e-commerce exchange floors, online buying and selling, and social networks with many tricks to trade banned and counterfeit goods. unknown origin, violating intellectual property rights; goods are gathered at warehouses and yards to be transported for consumption through delivery services.

On May 2, 2024, Market Surveillance Team No. 1 inspected a private enterprise on Binh Dong Street, Ward 14, District 8, discovering that it was trading 12,000 industrial bearings of unknown origin. The unit imposed an administrative fine of VND 70 million and confiscated all evidence of violation. Previously, on April 16, 2024, Market Surveillance Team No. 15 inspected the business and goods storage location in Vinh Loc B commune, Binh Chanh district and discovered that 4,660 units of door accessory products were being sold without having invoices or documents...

Implementing the instructions of leaders at all levels, especially the Prime Minister's Official Telegrams on strengthening inspection of key commodity groups, such as electronic cigarettes, gold, gasoline, etc., the HCM City Market Surveillance Agency continues to direct Market Surveillance Teams to focus on maintaining the assignment of civil servants to monitor business locations and store goods closely; strictly handle violations, especially the production and trading of counterfeit goods, poor quality goods, goods of unknown origin and sensitive and essential goods, such as petroleum and gold, electronic cigarettes, gas, coal, fertilizer; vegetables, tubers and fruits; food, beverages, tobacco; supplementary foods, medicines, etc. that are concentrated in complex, prominent, and key areas; at the same time, promoting coordination with local authorities in the fight against smuggling and trade fraud in e-commerce.

By Lê Thu/Thanh Thuy

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