General Department of Taxation supports online tax declaration under Circular 80/2021

VCN – The General Department of Taxation organized an online support session to guide tax declaration under Circular 80/2021 of the Ministry of Finance.
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The General Department of Taxation organizes an online support program to guide tax declaration under Circular 80/2021 of the Ministry of Finance. Photo: TCT.
The General Department of Taxation organizes an online support program to guide tax declaration under Circular 80/2021 of the Ministry of Finance. Photo: TCT.

The session answered questions about tax policy related to the declaration of value-added tax, corporate income tax, and personal income tax with the participation of experts from departments and units of the General Department of Taxation.

Circular 80 took effect from January 1, 2022, in which the tax declaration form specified in this Circular is applied to the tax period starting from January 1, 2022 onwards and tax finalization for the 2021 tax term.

According to the General Department of Taxation, Circular 80 guiding this Law on Tax Administration has many different points from the previous guiding Circulars. In addition to the content of the guidance, the form and procedures for tax declaration, payment and refund have many new points.

The highlight of Circular 80 is that commercial banks and credit institutions with tax deductions are guided more specifically than before. Specifically, only when the tax authorities notify the bank's head office, then the banks and credit institutions can make deductions. This creates favorable conditions for both taxpayers, banks and credit institutions.

Another notable point is that taxpayers engaging in business in many areas that are different from where the head office is located, shall declare, calculate and submit tax returns to the tax authority managing the head office; and allocate tax payables to each branch.

Ms. Le Thi Duyen Hai, Director of the Declaration Department, hosted a livestream to guide taxpayers. Photo: TCT.
Ms. Le Thi Duyen Hai, Director of the Declaration Department, hosted a livestream to guide taxpayers. Photo: TCT.

In addition, for construction and real estate transfer activities, production establishments with branches in many places and computerized lotteries, the tax declaration has been clearly guided by Circular 80; the allocation of tax payable is also more reasonable.

For example, for construction activities, according to previous regulations, if the construction work is located in another province than where the head office is located, the taxpayer must pay a value-added tax of 2% on the value of the work. But according to Circular 80, the investor only has to allocate 1% to the local budget where the construction works are located.

In addition to tax declaration activities, regulations on tax exemption and reduction, tax refund, late payment interest when the state budget is late in payment or delays in payment, etc. have also been guided.

During the session, Ms. Le Thi Duyen Hai, Director of the Declaration Department (General Department of Taxation) hosted a livestream to guide taxpayers on the basic new points when making tax declarations according to the provisions of Circular 80 on social networking platforms such as YouTube and Facebook.

The online support session to answer taxpayers' questions is regularly organized by the General Department of Taxation to promptly understand difficulties as well as answer questions for taxpayers in implementing tax policies and laws.

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The online support session has received attention from taxpayers. Over 300 questions were answered directly by experts of the General Department of Taxation. At the same time, the General Department of Taxation also summarizes problems to post on its website.

By Thuy Linh/ Huyen Trang

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