Applying customs intelligence and IT to prevent abusing of the "green channel" for smuggling

VCN - At the questioning session of National Assembly deputies on March 18, 2024, the Minister of Finance said that the Customs sector has applied science and technology in goods classification, used camera systems, Customs intelligence, data analysis to minimize the situation of businesses taking advantage of green channels to commit violations.
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Minister of Finance at the questioning session.
Minister of Finance at the questioning session.

Data increasing requires information technology systems to be replaced

Questioning the Minister of Finance, National Assembly deputy Trieu Quang Huy (Lang Son) said that according to Report No. 48 dated March 11, 2004 of the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry also identified shortcomings and limitations on the customs electronic data processing system which does not meet the requirements for building an e-Government, Digital Government and inadequacies in information connecting and sharing among State agencies.

To synchronize data of the current national single window system to meet the requirements of information sharing and connection with data processing systems of sectors and customs electronic data processing system as well as meet the requirements of trade facilitation while and ensuring state management requirements on customs, Lang Son province’s deputy requested the Minister to provide specific solutions to solve the above shortcomings.

Responding to the deputy, the Minister said that the IT systems of the agencies under the Ministry of Finance such as Treasury, Taxation, and Customs are a very modern, implement customs clearance, import and export issues, and tax collection conveniently.

However, for the information technology system of the Customs, the Minister said that this system is sponsored by Japan International Cooperation Agency (VNACCS/VCIS customs clearance project). This has been used for 10 years, and is now outdated, affecting data connection. Therefore, the problem is to replace this system.

“It's clear that our import-export data is getting bigger and bigger, from the import-export turnover at US$1 billion, to US$732 billion, the digital data packages are getting larger and require more and more connections. The connection to population data, connection to data of import-export businesses require information technology system to be replaced," the Minister said.

Also at the questioning session, deputy Vuong Thi Huong (Ha Giang) said that the implementation of electronic customs procedures has completely changed the method of declaration and submission of documents from manual to electronic, facilitating import and export activities, simplifying customs documents, reducing time and costs for businesses.

However, some businesses have taken advantage of the customs' automatic channel classification system, taking advantage of the quick customs clearance time for green channel declarations to commit acts of smuggling, trade fraud, and even bringing banned goods into our country with many methods and tricks. Accordingly, the deputy requested the Minister to indicate the Ministry's solutions to solve this problem.

Responding to this issue, the Minister said that the current import-export system has 3 channels: green channel; yellow channel and red channel. For the green channel, customs clearance is almost automatic, meaning documents are only transferred electronically and goods are not inspected. This shows special concern for businesses and facilitate businesses.

However, the Minister said, that businesses taking advantage of the green channel to commit violations cannot be ruled out. The Ministry of Finance has applied science and technology in determining good channel, used camera systems, financial intelligence force, and data analysis to minimize the situation of taking advantage of green channel to bring illegal goods into our country.

Offering new solutions to fight drug crimes

Asking the Minister of Finance about the issue of customs management, deputy Be Minh Duc (Cao Bang) said that the demand of entry and exit of people and vehicles is increasing at land border gate, what is the role of Customs agency in border trade management and what are solutions to effectively implement the functions of trade facilitation and strict control of goods and prevent smuggling across borders.

The delegate asked the Minister to explain the role of customs authorities in cross-border trade management and solutions for this force to well perform its functions and tasks while facilitating customs clearance of goods and promoting customs clearance. progressive economic and trade, while ensuring strict management and supervision and preventing the smuggling of goods across borders.

The Minister said that currently, the main task of customs is customs clearance, however, the customs clearance of goods involves six ministries and agencies. Therefore, to clear goods smoothly, there needs a consistency.

Regarding solutions, the Ministry of Finance is currently developing a decree on specialized inspection of import and export goods with the participation of ministries and agencies. However, currently the five ministries have not agreed on a number of contents related to the functions, tasks, and powers specified in specialized laws.

“We are continuing to submit to the Government and discuss further on how to implement a post-customs clearance inspection model like China. Currently, China is also proposing to build a smart border gate so that the two sides can import and export in the most flexible way. Currently, we are piloting smart border gates in Lang Son and the Government is assigning Lang Son Provincial People's Committee to coordinate with the Ministry of Finance and other ministries and agency to implement this project," the Minister said.

Also at the questioning session, deputy Trang A Duong (Ha Giang) said that transnational drug trafficking is becoming an alarming problem in society. 2023 was the year when aviation drug trafficking authorities faced many challenges. the amount of seized drugs entering Vietnam via air was as large as the combined amount of the last five years. This demonstrates new difficulties and challenges in preventing and combating drug trafficking in the future.

The deputy requested the Minister of Finance to indicate solutions that Ministry of Finance and Customs sector are offering to strengthen the fight against drug crimes in the airways besides current solutions.

Responding to the deputy, the Minister said that the Customs sector has coordinated with the police and border guards to crack down on many large drug cases. As for the customs force, through the screening system and professional solutions, the Customs agency seized 2.8 tons of drugs, including heroin, ketamine and synthetic drugs…

“We will strengthen coordination with police agencies, border guards and provinces to identify and propose new solutions to fight drug crimes, especially drug crimes through airways, seaports, border-crossings, border gates. We will make more efforts in this task", the Minister said.

By Hoai Anh/ Huyen Trang

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