A petroleum company enforced to suspend customs procedures for tax debt

VCN – Bach Khoa Viet Construction Investment Consulting Trading Joint Stock Company has been enforced to stop customs procedures by the Customs for overdue tax debt of over VND220 billion.
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A petroleum company enforced to suspend customs procedures for tax debt
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According to HCM City Tax Department, the Investment/Processing Customs Branch has issued a decision to stop customs procedures for import and export goods of Bach Khoa Viet Construction Investment Consulting Trading Joint Stock Company (346 Tan Ky Tan Quy, Son Ky Ward, Tan Phu District, HCM City). The decision takes effect for one year from April 3, 2024.

The city Tax Department said that the company owes overdue debt of over VND220 billion.

It is known that the company was established in 2007. Mr. Tran Trac Viet Duc is the legal representative and the director of the company.

After many years of doing business in the field of road and bridge construction, civil works and real estate, the company has gradually operated in the petroleum business market since 2014 and 2015.

At the end of 2023, the Police Investigation Department, Ministry of Public Security prosecuted a criminal case of bribery; violations of regulations on management and use of State assets causing loss and waste at the Ministry of Industry and Trade for Bach Khoa Viet Construction Investment Consulting Trading Joint Stock Company, and issued a decision to prosecute and arrest Tran Trac Viet Duc (born in 1990), Director of the Company and Do Thi Tuyet Nga (born in 1979), Chief Accountant of the company for violating regulations on management and use of State assets causing loss and waste, as prescribed in Clause 3, Article 219 of the 2015 Penal Code revised and supplemented in 2017.

By Le Thu/Ngoc Loan

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