Launching Demeter X Operation about hazardous scrap and waste prevention

Launching Demeter X Operation about hazardous scrap and waste prevention

The leader of General Department of Vietnam Customs directed the Anti-smuggling and Investigation Department and local customs departments to focus on launching the Demeter X Operation
Company fined VND 450 million for exporting hazardous waste

Company fined VND 450 million for exporting hazardous waste

VCN- The company declared to export the shipment via Cat Lai Port, including more than 15 tonnes of electric scrap, originating in Vietnam.
HCM City Customs: Stop case of illegal export scrap camouflaged as furniture

HCM City Customs: Stop case of illegal export scrap camouflaged as furniture

With the purpose of exporting illegally two containers of scrap disguised as circuit boards, enterprise camouflaged by declaring them as rubberwood dining tables on the customs declaration
Hasten progress of handling backlogged goods as scrap at seaports

Hasten progress of handling backlogged goods as scrap at seaports

For backlogged goods that have not finished classification, provincial customs departments must hasten the progress of classification to identify the exact type of goods for handling in accordance with regulations
Stopping a case of importing tens of tonnes of used plated of lead-acid accumulator at Hai Phong port

Stopping a case of importing tens of tonnes of used plated of lead-acid accumulator at Hai Phong port

Tens of tonnes of used plated of lead-acid accumulator which were disposed of and in the list of goods prohibited from imported but was prevented in time by Hai Phong Customs
In 6 months, destroying over 1,000 criminal gangs

In 6 months, destroying over 1,000 criminal gangs

In the first half of 2018, the People's Procuracy at all levels practiced the right to prosecution, investigated over 51,000 cases, with over 74,000 accused
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