
Vietnam's GDP in 2024 could achieve nearly 7% growth

According to Nguyen Anh Duong, Head of the General Research Department at the Central Institute for Economic Management (CIEM), Vietnam achieved significant socio-economic results in the first half of 2024
The fast-moving consumer goods industry aims for green and sustainable development

The fast-moving consumer goods industry aims for green and sustainable development

VCN - Vietnam's consumer goods industry currently has the fastest growth rate in the ASEAN region. However, for sustainable development in the future, businesses in the fast-moving consumer goods industry need to aim for green consumption.
Six factors positively impact economic growth in 2024

Six factors positively impact economic growth in 2024

VCN - Analyzing more specifically the basis for this recommendation, according to the representative of the Ministry of Planning and Investment, there are 6 factors that create a positive impact on economic growth in the remaining months of 2024.
Developing export markets along with trade promotion

Developing export markets along with trade promotion

VCN - Import and export of goods in the first 6 months of 2024 continue to record positive results, total turnover is estimated at USD 369.6 billion, up 16% over the same period last year.
Prioritize stimulating domestic consumption to promote economic growth in 2024

Prioritize stimulating domestic consumption to promote economic growth in 2024

VCN - In the first 6 months of 2024, our country's socio-economic situation maintains a positive trend, the next quarter is better than the previous quarter; industries and fields achieve many important results, creating growth momentum for the following
Fiscal policy is expanded and flexible to promote economic growth 2024

Fiscal policy is expanded and flexible to promote economic growth 2024

Recently, Ministry of Finance has proactively researched and submitted to competent authorities as well as issued financial support policies for the economy, with a total of about VND700 trillion.
Make use of the most of favorable factors for economic growth

Make use of the most of favorable factors for economic growth

VCN - Vietnam's economic growth depends on aggregate demand, including aggregate demand from consumption, investment, and export. Currently, total social investment, non-state sector investment, and foreign investment all increase higher than in 2023.
“Opportune environment” for growth of insurance enterprises

“Opportune environment” for growth of insurance enterprises

VCN - According to the Ministry of Finance, in the first quarter of 2024, total assets of insurance enterprises are estimated to reach VND 934.8 trillion, an increase of 11%; Investment back into the economy is estimated at VND 7,776.5 trillion, an increa
New fulcrums for economic growth

New fulcrums for economic growth

According to experts, despite the improvement, Vietnam's economy in 2024 still has potential risks, weighing on growth solutions until the end of the year.
Opportunity for a high open economy like Vietnam

Opportunity for a high open economy like Vietnam

According to economic expert Nguyen Bich Lam, in 2024, our country's economy will have bright spots, with opportunities that not every country has to more effectively promote existing dynamics
Creating breakthrough solutions to attract large-scale FDI projects

Creating breakthrough solutions to attract large-scale FDI projects

Attracting foreign investment (FDI) in the first two months of 2024 is at a high level, so it is expected to be a good signal affecting economic growth in 2024 as well as 2025.
Lang Son: Bustling with exports at the beginning of the year

Lang Son: Bustling with exports at the beginning of the year

VCN - Lunar New Year Giap Thin 2024 is approaching. Bustling cargo trucks arriving at border gates in Lang Son province seem to paint a vivid picture of spring at the border.
Financial policy promotes green economic development

Financial policy promotes green economic development

VCN - To realize the goal of reducing net emissions to zero by 2050 as committed at COP26, Vietnam is urgently concretizing this commitment before the international community. Regarding the Finance sector, recently, the Ministry of Finance has promoted th
Vietnam has the potential to achieve economic growth goals in 2024

Vietnam has the potential to achieve economic growth goals in 2024

VCN - According to Prof. Dr. Hoang Van Cuong, National Assembly Deputy, Vice Rector of the National Economics University, and Member of the Budget and Finance Committee of the National Assembly, in the difficult global context, along with the existing int
What is the scenario for growth in 2024?

What is the scenario for growth in 2024?

VCN - To achieve a breakthrough in 2024 and the following years, it is necessary to have appropriate economic development and management policies and strategies to take advantage of the achievements of the 4th Industrial Revolution to overcome difficultie
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