Ministry of Finance proposes seven solutions for combating tax evation for e-commerce

Ministry of Finance proposes seven solutions for combating tax evation for e-commerce

Vietnam e-commerce will reach US$30.5 billion in 2035 hence according to Minister of Finance Ho Duc Phoc, it will pose challenges to the management of tax, quality of goods, and anti-fraud.
Review the tax payment of sales livestream individuals

Review the tax payment of sales livestream individuals

The General Department of Taxation has just issued an official letter directing local tax departments to drastically manage e-commerce taxes and electronic invoices generated from cash registers.
Tax debt tends to increase, the Finance sector recommends that localities take action

Tax debt tends to increase, the Finance sector recommends that localities take action

VCN - In the context that budget collection in 2024 continues to face many difficulties and challenges, the Finance sector has been requesting localities and revenue agencies to implement many solutions to enhance prevention of revenue loss and promote co
Urging issuance of e-invoices in petroleum retail

Urging issuance of e-invoices in petroleum retail

VCN - The Government, the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Finance and other agencies have issued many instructions to implement electronic invoices on every sale at petroleum retail stores. Besides the achieved results, this work still has difficulties. T
6,144 retail petroleum stores issue invoices after each sale

6,144 retail petroleum stores issue invoices after each sale

VCN - According to the latest statistics of the General Department of Taxation, as of February 1, 2024, the country has 6,144 retail petroleum stores issuing electronic invoices after each sale.
Remove problems for enterprises in using e-invoices and documents

Remove problems for enterprises in using e-invoices and documents

VCN - In 2020, the Ministry of Finance issued Decree No. 123/2020/ND-CP regulating invoices and documents, aiming to apply e-invoices to enterprises, businesses organizations and individuals from July 1; encourage agencies, organizations and individuals t
Many "tricks" to cheat e-invoices

Many "tricks" to cheat e-invoices

VCN - As noted by some tax authorities, recently, the issue of invoices of some businesses has shown signs of abnormality.
Use of e-invoices generated from cash registers expanded

Use of e-invoices generated from cash registers expanded

The taxation sector is taking concerted efforts to have 70% of enterprises and business households using e-invoices generated from cash registers later this year under an initiative launched since December 15, 2022.
Cases of illegal invoice trading detected

Cases of illegal invoice trading detected

VCN - The Economic Police Department of the HCM City Police inspected nine places in HCM City, Binh Duong and Dong Nai, and seized 70 seals of enterprises and a large volume of illegal invoices and documents.
Prevent and handle sale of e-invoices on social networks

Prevent and handle sale of e-invoices on social networks

VCN - The switch brings benefits to citizens, businesses and State administration agencies, and is an indispensable need for a transparent and modern commercial system in the current globalization-modernization trend.
General Department of Taxation prevents fraud in use of e-invoices

General Department of Taxation prevents fraud in use of e-invoices

VCN - At the online conference on intensifying the management and prevention of fraud in the use of e-invoices organized by the General Department of Taxation on April 20, 2023, local tax authorities and units under the General Department of Taxation rais
Tax revenue is estimated at VND 426,922 billion in the first quarter

Tax revenue is estimated at VND 426,922 billion in the first quarter

VCN - In the first three months of the year, state budget revenue managed by the tax agency was estimated at VND426,922 billion, equaling 31.1% of the ordinance estimate and 104.6% over the same period. Domestic revenue is estimated at VND411,418 billion,
HCM City set an objective of 100% of e-invoices from cash registers

HCM City set an objective of 100% of e-invoices from cash registers

The People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City issued a document directing affiliated departments, branches and localities to focus on implementing solutions to ensure 100% of e-invoices initialized from cash registers
Removing difficulties in implementation of e-invoices generated from cash registers

Removing difficulties in implementation of e-invoices generated from cash registers

VCN - The Tax sector will develop many technical solutions to help taxpayers easily make and receive electronic invoices generated from cash registers for some direct-to-consumer business sectors
Implementing e-invoices generated from cash registers

Implementing e-invoices generated from cash registers

VCN - Implementing Tax Administration Law 2019, Decree 123/2020/ND-CP and Circular 78/2021/TT-BTC, July 1, e-invoices have been launched nationwide for businesses and households.
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