Improving organizational structure and capacity building to implement the State Treasury Development Strategy to 2030

VCN - The State Treasury system has achieved encouraging achievements in streamlining the organizational structure in association with the reform of administrative procedures to ensure strict management and meet the customers' needs.
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The State Treasury always focuses on capacity building. Photo: TL
The State Treasury always focuses on capacity building. Photo: TL

Consolidating the organizational structure

The State Treasury said that from 2015, the State Treasury system has carried out 3 reviews to streamline the apparatus and has cut 2,332 focal points, of which one non-business unit is equivalent to the departmental level; 260 units at division level; 73 State Treasury units at district level; 1998 units at the team level. In addition, the State Treasury has cut more than 650 leadership positions at departmental and equivalent levels and more than 2,600 leadership positions at the team level.

The consolidation of organizational structure and staff streamlining are carried out in line with administrative reform, improvement of operational process and modernization of management technology, creating maximum convenience for people, businesses, estimating units and investors who have transaction relations with the State Treasury, contributing to saving time and effort for the whole society and helping the State Treasury system save expenditures for the apparatus and people;

creating favourable conditions for the State Treasury to fulfil its assigned political tasks, especially the implementation of new tasks related to the Digital Treasury platform and building the Digital Treasury; linking digital data of the stages of estimation, allocation, accounting, auditing and settlement of the State budget; sharing information and data of state budget revenues and expenditures in real time; perfecting the mechanism of spending control in the direction of risk-based control, laying the basic foundation for the implementation of the State Treasury Development Strategy to 2030.

Along with apparatus streamlining the apparatus, the administrative reform in management and the staff streamlining in the State Treasury system have also been reviewed and implemented comprehensively and effectively, such as policies and regulations on recruitment, work arrangement, assessment and classification, rotation, planning and appointment according to modern and capacity-based management method

According to the State Treasury, the allocation and use of staffing in the State Treasury units are implemented consistently, following the Government and the Ministry of Finance regulations, while ensuring economic and efficient use. To date, the State Treasury cut 1,840 staff from 2015, exceeding 10% in Resolution No. 39-NQ/TW dated April 17, 2015, of the Politburo on downsizing and restructuring the contingent of cadres, civil servants and public employees.

The State Treasury also always focuses on human resource development through the synchronous implementation of mechanisms, policies, planning, development of long-term training strategies and specific annual plans, which combine various methods of training, fostering and updating professional knowledge, information technology and foreign languages for treasury officers.

Notably, the State Treasury has actively planned and effectively implemented the Resolution of the Party Personnel Committee of the Ministry of Finance on the work of rotation, mobilization and periodic transfer of working positions associated with rearranging and streamlining the organizational structure at all 3 levels (central, provincial and district levels):

Focusing on human resource development

Shortly, the State Treasury will pilot to arrange the organizational apparatus into a 2-level model (at the central level - the level in charge of formulating mechanisms, policies and operating activities; at the treasury units – in charge of implementation) according to the State Treasury Development Strategy to 2030 with an appropriate roadmap, ensuring the operation of the State Treasury and the convenience in transactions of organizations and individuals with the State Treasury.

The State Treasury will also recruit, train and foster treasury officers according to their job positions, who have good moral qualities and solid political bravery; have high professionalism, qualifications, skills and creative capacity based on the competitive mechanism of recruitment, remuneration and promotion regime to meet the requirements of the civil service and reform orientations up to 2030, serving people, businesses, and state agencies well. Moreover, the State Treasury will increase the use of external resources and reduce contracted employees.

In particular, the development of the leadership team at all levels, the contingent of researchers and developers of mechanisms and policies at the central level, who have high qualifications and meet the requirements of reform and modernization of the State Treasury system soon in the context of international economic integration and industrial revolution 4.0 will be one of the crucial tasks. Further, the State Treasury will restructure the contingent of treasury officers at each level and each unit, in line with the consolidation of the organizational apparatus, modernization of operational processes and reform of management methods.

Additionally, the State Treasury will also improve the working environment and actively implement the guidelines, mechanisms and policies of the Party and Government, creating favourable conditions and promoting initiative, creativity and arousing the spirit of dedication in the performance of official duties of treasury staff.

By Thuy Linh/ Huyen Trang

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