The Ministry of Finance focuses on effectively implementing core information systems

VCN - With the view of taking people's satisfaction, businesses are a measure of service quality assessment to direct the implementation of many reform and modernization activities, the Ministry of Finance and the digital economy have synchronously deployed solutions to reform administrative procedures, continuing to build an e-Government towards a digital government, gradually considering information technology an effective support tool for the process of managing and operating budget - finance.
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Administrative reform towards people and businesses has always been a big goal of the financial industry in recent years. Illustration: Thuy Linh

Pioneering in reforming administrative procedures and public finance

In regard to administrative reform which always puts people and businesses at the center, taking satisfaction as a measure of effectiveness, units of the Ministry of Finance regularly collect opinions, evaluate and survey the satisfaction of people and businesses with administrative procedures and online public services, taking that as the basis for perfecting policies and processes and improving service delivery quality.

From 2022 up to now, the Ministry of Finance has issued or submitted to competent authorities for promulgation many legal documents to cut 134 administrative procedures; simplified 169 administrative procedures in the field of management.

Accordingly, the total number of valid administrative procedures under the management of the Ministry of Finance is 800, down by 96 compared to the same period in 2021 (about 12%). The Ministry of Finance has provided comprehensive information services for 359 administrative procedures, reaching the rate of over 45%; integrated 296 public services on the National Public Service Portal.

According to the Ministry of Finance's assessment, basically, administrative procedures in the financial sector are being improved in the direction of unity, simplicity, publicity, transparency, maximum application of information technology, and facilitating and benefiting individuals, organizations and businesses in the process of accessing and implementing administrative procedures, initially forming an electronic database of records and results of administrative procedures settlement.

In addition, the Ministry of Finance has focused on effectively implementing major and core information systems, closely following the digital transformation program, especially focusing on supporting the settlement of administrative procedures in the region of tax, customs, and treasury.

Regarding the results of administrative procedure reform and smart customs construction, the Ministry of Finance implemented information technology applications to facilitate import and export activities, towards building a smart Customs model. Up to now, the 5E target on information technology applications has been completed. The digital Customs system and smart Customs model will allow businesses to declare customs procedures anytime, anywhere, on any tool. At the same time, customs clearance time is fast, reducing logistics costs, and is done via the free declaration software provided by Customs; declare goods information only once to perform many administrative procedures through the national single-window system; easily track the processing progress of state management agencies in the supply chain.

Along with that, the management and operation of the VNACCS/VCIS automatic customs clearance system and the centralized information technology systems of the Customs sector is always stable 24/7, ensuring security, safety and smoothness.

Specifically, 99.7% of businesses at 100% of customs units nationwide participate in the VNACCS/VCIS system; 13 ministries and branches participated in connecting with 250 administrative procedures put on the National Single Window with over 55,000 participating enterprises; implementation of the Exchange of electronic certificates of origin with 9 ASEAN countries.

The Customs sector also successfully implemented the Automated Customs Management System at ports, warehouses and yards (VASSCM) at 33 of 35 customs departments of provinces and cities, creating favorable conditions for enterprises in ports, warehouses and yards, reducing time and costs for import-export enterprises, enhancing the supervision efficiency of the Customs.

The above-mentioned efforts in the modernization and reform of administrative procedures have helped to reduce paperwork, shorten the time, and reduce the cost of implementing administrative procedures in the field of import and export, fundamentally changing the method of specialized inspection management, towards international integration and digital customs service development.

9th consecutive year in the top 3 leading PAR Index

Regarding the results of administrative reform, recently, the Government's Steering Committee for Administrative Reform has just announced the PAR Index for 2022 (PAR Index) of ministries, branches and localities.

Accordingly, in the ministries and branches, the Ministry of Finance continued to rank third with a result of 89.76%. Thus, with efforts and determination, this is the 9th consecutive year that the Ministry of Finance is in the group of 3 leading ministries and ministerial-level agencies in terms of the PAR Index. The results of the PAR Index assessment in 2022 are considered an important management tool, a measure that helps to clearly identify strengths and weaknesses in the implementation of administrative reform tasks of the Ministry of Finance in particular and other industries and regions in general.

In the assessment results of PAR Index 2022, the specific indicators achieved by the Ministry of Finance, in turn, were: the direction and administration of administrative reform reached 98.27%; institutional reform reached 83.47%; administrative procedure reform reached 92.70%; organizational reform of the apparatus reached 90.19%; civil service regime reform reached 81.57%; public finance reform reached 96.28% and e-Government development and digital transformation reached 90.38%. In which, the administrative procedure reform index recorded the fluctuations in the results and the actual involvement of the Ministry of Finance. In 2022, this indicator of the Ministry of Finance will increase by 5.38% (from 87.32% in 2021 to 92.70% in 2022).

Regarding the public financial reform index, the Ministry of Finance continues to be one of the leading ministries, with a rate of over 96%. This clearly shows the pioneering role of the Ministry of Finance in the management and implementation of legal regulations on state budget - finance.

In particular, in 2022, the Ministry of Finance has proactively administered fiscal policy flexibly, effectively and promptly responding to complex fluctuations of domestic and foreign situations; balance to ensure resources to support the process of economic recovery and development, contribute to macroeconomic stability, control inflation, and ensure social security.

For many years, the Ministry of Finance has always been a pioneer in building and perfecting institutions and reforming administrative procedures associated with digital transformation. That affirms the determination of the Ministry of Finance in making fundamental and breakthrough changes when switching from the paper-based public service management method directly communicating directly to automatic and modern management, applying information technology in order to benefit society, and promoting digital transformation.

Regarding the reform and modernization of administrative procedures and tax and treasury services, up to now, tax declaration, tax payment and electronic tax refund services have been implemented at 100% of Tax Departments and local Tax Departments; over 99% of enterprises use electronic tax declaration, payment and refund services; e-invoices are implemented for 100% of enterprises, organizations and business households and individuals.

Along with that, 100% of the entire administrative procedures in the treasury sector have been integrated into the Public Service Portal; transactions with the State Treasury 24/7 (including holidays and weekends) with the number of transactions of state budget expenditure documents arising through public services reached over 99.6% of the national expenditure documents on TABMIS system. The increasing number of transactions through public services has met the spending needs of the unit as well as brought state budget capital into the implementation of investment projects, promoting efficiency.

Hoai Anh/ Thu Phuong

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