Make good use of e-commerce data, create effective tax and customs management

Make good use of e-commerce data, create effective tax and customs management

VCN - According to Mr. Pham Tan Cong, Chairman of the Vietnam Confederation of Commerce and Industry (VCCI), making good use of e-commerce data can help manage import and export work very well, bringing high efficiency for tax and customs management.
"The key" to promote growth for businesses

"The key" to promote growth for businesses

VCN - From the perspective of manufacturing and exporting enterprises, Mr. Ngo Sy Hoai, Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Association of Wood and Forest Products (VIFOREST) said that the export of wood and wood products in the first 3 months of 2024 reached US
Open export markets

Open export markets

VCN - In 2024, the Government targets export growth of at least 6% compared to 2023 in the context that the market situation is forecast to remain difficult. To achieve the goal, diversifying the market and expanding the market is the method that has been
Supporting businesses in cost reduction

Supporting businesses in cost reduction

VCN - To continue enhancing the competitiveness of the business environment and supporting business development, Dau Anh Tuan (photo), Deputy secretary general, Head of the Legal department, Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI), suggested focus
Restricting scrap import can affect many businesses

Restricting scrap import can affect many businesses

VCN - According to the Vietnam Confederation of Commerce and Industry (VCCI), regulations restricting scrap import can affect the operations of many businesses, so they need to be regulated according to a specific long-term roadmap.
Restrict the import of scrap can affect many businesses

Restrict the import of scrap can affect many businesses

VCN - According to the Vietnam Confederation of Commerce and Industry (VCCI), regulations restricting scrap imports can affect the operations of many businesses, so they need to be regulated according to a specific long-term roadmap.
VCCI President: Many innovations in Tax and Customs have alleviated the burden on businesses

VCCI President: Many innovations in Tax and Customs have alleviated the burden on businesses

VCN - According to Mr. Pham Tan Cong, after a year of facing many unusual and extremely challenging economic and business fluctuations together, this conference serves as a checkpoint, providing a platform for exchange and sharing on issues and challenges
Lacking processing technology, expanding agricultural export markets is still difficult

Lacking processing technology, expanding agricultural export markets is still difficult

VCN - To add value to exported agricultural products, there needs to be synchronous solutions to support agricultural businesses in digitalizing production and processing to meet market requirements.
Balance policies to promote the potential for exporting digital economic products

Balance policies to promote the potential for exporting digital economic products

VCN - Representatives of businesses believe that major changes in policies on management, provision, and use of internet services and online information, if not carefully researched, can create adverse effects, causing bad effects on the economy.
Legal risks make private enterprises invest less in large projects

Legal risks make private enterprises invest less in large projects

Legal risks are always a concern of many businesses in the process of doing business. The larger the business is, the higher the risk is.
Increase competitiveness when export turnover comes from domestic enterprises

Increase competitiveness when export turnover comes from domestic enterprises

VCN - According to the Vietnam Chamber of Trade and Industry (VCCI), export-oriented industrialized countries, especially when export turnover comes from domestic private enterprises, are likely to more competitive and sustainable.
Banks granted credit room

Banks granted credit room

According to the Vietnam Confederation of Trade and Industry (VCCI), the credit growth limitation is one of the most influential policies in the banking system of Vietnam, but its legal basis is not very thin.
Removing difficulties for import and export activities in four key northern provinces

Removing difficulties for import and export activities in four key northern provinces

A dialogue with the topic of "Removing difficulties for enterprises in import-export activities" in four localities is held by VCCI in coordination with General Department of Vietnam Customs in Hai Duong city
The regional business dialogue in 2023 is about to take place

The regional business dialogue in 2023 is about to take place

GDVC is coordinating with the Vietnam Federation of Trade and Industry (VCCI) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to organize a regional business dialogue in 2023.
Regional business dialogue conference in 2023 to be held

Regional business dialogue conference in 2023 to be held

VCN - To remove difficulties for enterprises in import-export activities, the General Department of Customs is working with the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI), and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to organize
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