HCM City Customs refunds over VND 49 billion of VAT for foreign passengers

HCM City Customs refunds over VND 49 billion of VAT for foreign passengers

VCN - In the first six months of the year, the department refunded VND49 billion of VAT to goods brought by 10,443 foreigners when exiting the country.
Minister of Finance: continue to advise on promulgating fiscal policies to help economy recover and develop

Minister of Finance: continue to advise on promulgating fiscal policies to help economy recover and develop

VCN - According to Minister of Finance Ho Duc Phoc, although implementing policies to reduce and extend taxes and fees will impact budget revenue, the Ministry has reviewed, evaluated and continued to promulgate a number of fiscal policies to support peop
Customs implements VAT reduction policy from July 1st

Customs implements VAT reduction policy from July 1st

To implement the contents relating to customs field, General Department of Vietnam Customs requested local customs departments to reduce VAT for group of commodities as stipulated at Decree 72/2024/NĐ-CP.
Continuing to evaluate impacts and controversial issues to complete VAT Bill

Continuing to evaluate impacts and controversial issues to complete VAT Bill

VCN - On the afternoon of June 24, continuing the Program of the 7th Session of the 15th National Assembly, the National Assembly discussed the project of the Law on Value Added Tax (revised). At the discussion session, Minister of Finance Ho Duc Phoc exp
Considering to impose 5% of VAT on fertilizers

Considering to impose 5% of VAT on fertilizers

Under the draft amended Law on Value-Added Tax (VAT), fertilizers are expected to be included in the category of goods subject to VAT at a rate of 5%
Fixing VAT rates with fertilizers brings dual benefits to "3 houses"

Fixing VAT rates with fertilizers brings dual benefits to "3 houses"

The proposed amendments to the VAT Law for fertilizers, if implemented, have the potential to alleviate many of these difficulties, providing enterprises with better opportunities
About 5,400 foreigners are refunded VAT

About 5,400 foreigners are refunded VAT

VCN - According to HCM Customs Department, in April 2024, the department refunded VAT worth about VND120 billion for goods of foreigners on exit or the revenue of over VND8.3 billion.
Proposal to continue reducing VAT by 2% to support people and businesses

Proposal to continue reducing VAT by 2% to support people and businesses

The Government has just submitted a proposal to the National Assembly for consideration, allowing to the continued implementation of the policy of reducing the VAT rate by 2% in the last 6 months of 2024
Circular 83/2014/TT-BTC will be abolished from June 8

Circular 83/2014/TT-BTC will be abolished from June 8

VCN - Accordingly, Circular 25/2024/TT-BTC abolishes Circular 83/2014/TT-BTC.
Proposal to continue reducing VAT by 2% in the last  6 months of 2024

Proposal to continue reducing VAT by 2% in the last 6 months of 2024

VCN - Under the authorization of the Prime Minister, Minister of Finance Ho Duc Phoc has just submitted Report No. 177/TTr-CP to the National Assembly on the results of implementing the 2% VAT reduction according to Resolution No. 110/2023/QH15 November 2
Ho Chi Minh City Customs proposed to reduce VAT

Ho Chi Minh City Customs proposed to reduce VAT

VCN - Assessing the implementation of the policy of reducing the VAT rate by 2%, Ho Chi Minh City Customs Department said that in 2023, the amount of VAT reduced (corresponding to 2%) was implemented at the branches of the Ho Chi Minh City Customs Departm
3 recommendations of seafood businesses were promptly answered by the Ministry of Finance

3 recommendations of seafood businesses were promptly answered by the Ministry of Finance

VCN - Recommendations of seafood enterprises on declaring, calculating and paying Value Added Tax (VAT) at the commercial business stage for scrap and discarded products; Invoicing for returned goods; VAT refund, has been specifically answered by the Mini
Ho Chi Minh City Customs refunds nearly VND100 billion of VAT for foreigners

Ho Chi Minh City Customs refunds nearly VND100 billion of VAT for foreigners

VCN - In 2023, Ho Chi Minh City Customs Department refunded nearly VND 100 billion of value-added tax (VAT) on goods worth more than VND 1,268 billion for exit passengers.
The Tax sector strives to implement value-added tax refunds

The Tax sector strives to implement value-added tax refunds

VCN - According to data from the Declaration and Tax Accounting Department (General Department of Taxation), with the determination and urgency of tax authorities at all levels, the management of VAT refund has shown positive changes.
Unify and standardize tax refund dossier classification index to ensure accuracy

Unify and standardize tax refund dossier classification index to ensure accuracy

VCN - On September 18, the General Department of Taxation issued Decision No.1388/QD-TCT applying risk management in classifying tax refund dossier by using information technology applications.
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