Preliminary assessment of Vietnam international merchandise trade performance in the first 9 months of 2019

Preliminary assessment of Vietnam international merchandise trade performance in the first 9 months of 2019

1. According to trade statistics of Vietnam Customs, in September 2019, a 6.7% reduction in total external merchandise turnover of Vietnam was recorded on a month-on-month basis. Exports went down 9.8 %, to USD 23.36 billion and imports shrunk 3.1%, to USD 21.75 billion as compared to the result of August 2019. As a result, there was a USD 1.61 billion surplus in Vietnam’s trade balance in this month.
GDVC conducts survey the demand of using information of import and export goods

GDVC conducts survey the demand of using information of import and export goods

VCN- In order to improve the quality of statistical information and reports of import and export, the General Department of Vietnam Customs (GDVC) has developed a survey link in English and Vietnamese to ask for user’s opinion.
9 records submitted through the public online services system of Customs

9 records submitted through the public online services system of Customs

VCN- On the first day of formal implementation of the public online services system of Customs (1st March 2017), all ran smoothly at:
Why Vietnamese textiles industry export figures are different from Customs?

Why Vietnamese textiles industry export figures are different from Customs?

VCN - There is a big difference in textile and garment exports figure between the information of VINATEX and Customs.
Changes in Customs Statistics – Questions Raised

Changes in Customs Statistics – Questions Raised

Several organizations and individuals have raised questions about the gaps between periodic statistics reports and monthly accumulated statistics in preliminary charts and tables published by the General Department of Customs.
Customs explains the difference in data about mineral exports

Customs explains the difference in data about mineral exports

VCN- “The difference in data of mineral exports up to $ 5 billion to China every year is not correct”
Việt Nam records $1.8b trade surplus YTD

Việt Nam records $1.8b trade surplus YTD

The country posted a trade surplus of nearly US$1.8 billion in the first seven months of this year, according to the General Statistics Office (GSO).
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