Proactively forecast and carefully consider when to adjust prices

Proactively forecast and carefully consider when to adjust prices

In price management, the Government and the Ministry of Finance strongly require the implementation of solutions to stabilize market prices, along with public and transparent price declaration activities
Prime Minister requests measures to strengthen price management

Prime Minister requests measures to strengthen price management

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh signed public electricity No.679/CĐ-TTg on strengthening price management measures.
Behind the excitement of stock market

Behind the excitement of stock market

The stock market is in a boom period. Many investors have said that "just buy and get profits"! This is stimulating cash flow into stocks but risks are also growing.
Market prices on the Lunar New Year remain stable

Market prices on the Lunar New Year remain stable

VCN - The Ministry of Finance has just sent an official letter to the Government’s Office to report on market prices and price stabilization measures before, during and after the Lunar New Year 2018.
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