16:13 | 03/12/2020
VCN - Minister-Chairman of the Government Office Mai Tien Dung, Government spokesperson said that the Prime Minister has introduced three initiatives to contribute to economic recovery.
14:22 | 18/11/2020
VCN- In Vietnam, from the beginning of 2020 to now, Vietnam Customs has chaired and coordinated with competent forces to arrest 129 cases with 162 suspects, and seize more than 800kg and nearly 400,000 drug tablets.
20:00 | 06/09/2020
Secretary General of the Cambodian National Assembly Leng Peng Long has appreciated Vietnam’s initiative to put the discussion of the establishment of a young parliamentary committee on the agenda of the upcoming 41st ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (A
20:21 | 07/08/2020
VCN – The ASEAN+3 Finance and Central Bank Deputies’ Meeting (referred as AFCDM+3) was held on August 5, 2020 at Ha Noi. This is an important meeting in a series of events on ASEAN and ASEAN+3 financial cooperation hosted by Vietnam this year to prepa
15:04 | 24/06/2020
In the context of the COVID-19 epidemic evolving in a complex manner, ASEAN has no choice but to carry out the dual task of epidemic control and economic recovery while promoting cooperation within the bloc and with other partners.
15:50 | 07/08/2017
Vietnam will work with Japan and Mekong nations to implement the 2015 Tokyo Strategy on Mekong-Japan cooperation and the Mekong-Japan Action Plan for Realisation of the New Tokyo Strategy for 2016-2018.
20:00 | 16/05/2017
World Customs
VCN- The 12th Meeting of the CPLP (Portuguese Speaking Countries Community) Customs High-Level Working Group, was held in Díli, Timor-Leste, from 25 to 28 April 2017 to discuss the implementation stage of the Technical Assistance and Cooperation Integrated Programme (PICAT).