The new Land law 2024 expected to boost foreign investment

The new Land law 2024 expected to boost foreign investment

VCN - This information was revealed at the seminar "Land Law 2024: Effective implementation solutions for investors" organized by the Investment & Trade Promotion Centre of Ho Chi Minh City (ITPC) in collaboration with the Vietnam International Arbitratio
The mark of Ho Chi Minh City Customs in attracting foreign investment

The mark of Ho Chi Minh City Customs in attracting foreign investment

VCN - In 2023, Ho Chi Minh City ranks first in the country with a total registered FDI capital of 5.85 billion USD, an increase of nearly 50% compared to 2022, accounting for 16% of the country's FDI capital. In the first 5 months of 2024, Ho Chi Minh Cit
Increase foreign investment resources by improving the business environment

Increase foreign investment resources by improving the business environment

VCN - The survey report on FDI enterprises in the Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI) and Provincial Green Index (PGI) 2023, recently published by the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI), indicates that the percentage of FDI enterprises inc
Increase foreign investment resources from improving the business environment

Increase foreign investment resources from improving the business environment

VCN - In the two years 2024-2025, the proportion of foreign invested enterprises (FDI) expected to expand production and business will decrease compared to previous years, reflecting a more cautious trend of FDI enterprises due to the impact of the curren
Positive economic outlook in 2024

Positive economic outlook in 2024

VCN - Dr. Le Duy Binh, CEO of Vietnam Economica gives an interview.
Foreign investment powers national economy into globalisation: workshop

Foreign investment powers national economy into globalisation: workshop

Foreign investment has proven itself as a dynamic economic sector, with significant contributions to the growth of the national economy as well as its integration into the world, heard a recent Hanoi workshop.
Bright future for Vietnam’s foreign investment attraction: insiders

Bright future for Vietnam’s foreign investment attraction: insiders

Vietnam's foreign direct investment (FDI) attraction has seen signs of recovery after continuous declines over the past six months, becoming a driving force for the country’s economic growth in the medium and long term, said insiders.
Delays in improving the business environment will lose the opportunity to attract foreign investment

Delays in improving the business environment will lose the opportunity to attract foreign investment

VCN - Currently, the global supply chain is facing many difficulties, so it is forecasted that this year, import and export turnover between Vietnam and South Korea will be difficult to reach the target of 100 billion USD due to the influence of the globa
Vietnam becomes global production centre thanks to boom of foreign investment

Vietnam becomes global production centre thanks to boom of foreign investment

Despite impacts caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, foreign direct investment (FDI) is still being poured into Vietnam, contributing importantly to turning the country into a new production hub of the world.
Vietnam"s foreign investment plunges 39% in Q1

Vietnam"s foreign investment plunges 39% in Q1

Vietnam attracted nearly 5.45 billion USD worth of foreign investment in the first quarter of the year, down 39% year-on-year, according to the Foreign Investment Agency (FIA) under the Ministry of Planning and Investment.
Impact and opportunity of global minimum tax

Impact and opportunity of global minimum tax

VCN - If the global minimum tax is applied, more than 1,000 businesses in Vietnam will be affected. Therefore, there is a need to develop a specific and appropriate plan to ensure Vietnam's tax levy rights as well as to attract foreign investment.
Singapore leads foreign investment in Vietnam

Singapore leads foreign investment in Vietnam

Singapore remained the biggest foreign investor in Vietnam among the 51 countries and territories investing in Vietnam in the first two months of 2023, with 978.4 million USD, making up nearly 31.6% of the total registered foreign direct investment (FDI) in the country, down 42.7% year-on-year, the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) reported.
HCM City gets ready for new foreign investment wave

HCM City gets ready for new foreign investment wave

As an economic locomotive, Ho Chi Minh City has always led the country in terms of investment attraction, drawing the attention of foreign investors from around the world.
Vietnam lures over 25 billion USD in foreign investment in 11 months

Vietnam lures over 25 billion USD in foreign investment in 11 months

Vietnam attracted 25.1 billion USD in foreign investment in the first 11 months of 2022, up 0.5% month-on-month but down 5% year-on-year, the Foreign Investment Agency (FIA) under the Ministry of Planning and Investment has said.
Which "key" helps businesses deeply participate in the global supply chain?

Which "key" helps businesses deeply participate in the global supply chain?

VCN - In addition to the need to produce faster, lower costs, and better quality, today's production must also be more responsible for the environment and people.
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