Drug-related crimes are having an unpredictable transformation

Drug-related crimes are having an unpredictable transformation

According to the assessment of the Command of Border Defence, the activities of drug-related crimes are transforming their areas and methods of operation.
Vietnam faces challenges of drug-related crimes in “Golden Triangle” area

Vietnam faces challenges of drug-related crimes in “Golden Triangle” area

VCN - Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Vien, Director of the Investment Police Department on Drug-related Crimes (C04) said that the world has faced increasingly complex drug threat. Criminal organizations operate in sophisticated and aggressive methods.
Launching a peak attack and suppressing drug-related crimes nationwide

Launching a peak attack and suppressing drug-related crimes nationwide

The Government Office has issued document No. 3631/VPCP-KGVX on implementing the Drug Prevention Action Month in 2024 with the theme "Together for Drug-Free Communities".
Establishing a "shell corporation" to transport drugs across border

Establishing a "shell corporation" to transport drugs across border

The transnational drug crime situation continues to have many complicated developments. Notably, subjects sought to set up "shell corporation" to illegally produce and transport drugs.
Enhance the exchange of information on drug-related crime prevention and control

Enhance the exchange of information on drug-related crime prevention and control

The Anti-Smuggling and Investigation Department (GDVC) chaired and held a conference to exchange information between agencies specialized in preventing and combating drug-related crimes
Drug prevention right from the point of origin

Drug prevention right from the point of origin

One of the key missions set out for anti-drug forces in 2024 is preventing drugs right from the point of origin and from remote; attacking the whole line not just the middle part; seize the instigators and leaders.
Drug crimes on the Northwest border are increasing

Drug crimes on the Northwest border are increasing

VCN - The border areas of Dien Bien, Son La, Lai Chau, etc are always "hot" about drugs. The masterminds and leaders often operate anonymously to find sources of goods, provide finance and hire people to illegally transport drugs across the border.
Drug-related crime on border surging

Drug-related crime on border surging

VCN - On May 11, 2023, at the Headquarters of the Government Office, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang, Head of the National Steering Committee 389 chaired the meeting of the first quarter of 2023 and summarized the Peak Plan on the fight against smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeiting before, during and after the Lunar New Year of 2023. One of the most important contents at the meeting is the surge in drug-related crime on the border.
Cut off lines of transnational drug-related crime

Cut off lines of transnational drug-related crime

Many transnational drug lines were destroyed with a large amount of material seized, up to hundreds of kilograms which is a prominent mark on the anti-smuggling front of the Customs sector in 2022.
Ha Tinh Customs promotes effective use of equipment in combating drug related crimes

Ha Tinh Customs promotes effective use of equipment in combating drug related crimes

VCN - As a “hot” area for smuggling and illegal drug transportation, drug trafficking from Laos to Vietnam across the border area of Ha Tinh province has taken place complicatedly with sophisticated tricks and methods.
Vietnam Customs attends Asia-Pacific regional intelligence liaison meeting

Vietnam Customs attends Asia-Pacific regional intelligence liaison meeting

As assigned by the General Department of Vietnam Customs, representatives of the Anti-Smuggling and Investigation Department attended and spoke at the meeting
Over 18,000 drug-related crimes in eight months

Over 18,000 drug-related crimes in eight months

According to the latest information from the Ministry of Public Security, there were 3,577 social order related crimes nationwide in August (July 15 to August 14).
Launching a series of measures to fight smuggling in the last months of 2022

Launching a series of measures to fight smuggling in the last months of 2022

One of the key tasks of the Customs sector in the last six months of the year is to continue to implement measures to fight crime, smuggling and trade fraud.
Preventing Vietnam becoming an international drug transit point

Preventing Vietnam becoming an international drug transit point

Transnational drug-related crime continues to be unpredictable but Police, Customs, Border Guard, and Coast Guard have been taking drastic measures to keep up with the criminals
Increase in drug-related crimes on Vietnam-Laos Border

Increase in drug-related crimes on Vietnam-Laos Border

VCN - After the Covid-19 pandemic, drug trafficking and transportation rings in the two countries have increased. Criminals are more diverse and reckless.
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