State treasury undertakes comprehensive reforms to boost customer satisfaction

VCN - Embracing the principle of "customer-centric service," the State Treasury of Vietnam is set to further intensify its administrative reform efforts, aiming to significantly enhance customer satisfaction levels in the coming period.
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State treasury undertakes comprehensive reforms to boost customer satisfaction
The State Treasury of Vietnam has implemented numerous reforms aimed at improving customer satisfaction. Photo: State Treasury of Ninh Thuan Province.

Satisfaction as a vital criterion

The State Treasury of Vietnam reports that in 2023, it conducted two rounds of surveys assessing the satisfaction levels of individuals and organizations with its services. In the first half of 2023, the satisfaction index reached 95%, marking a 0.5% increase from 2022's 94.5%. In the second half of 2023, the index rose to 95.85%, a 1.35% improvement over the previous year.

These positive outcomes stem from the State Treasury's comprehensive and planned approach to administrative reform and procedure control. Notably, the agency has focused on reviewing and refining mechanisms, policies, and administrative procedures to be more customer-centric, using the satisfaction of individuals and organizations as a key benchmark for its public service delivery; ensuring 100% of its procedures are available via full online services and integrated on the National Public Service Portal.

Further, the State Treasury has been proactive in implementing Decree No. 107/2021/ND-CP issued on December 6, 2021, by the Government, amending Decree No. 61/2018/ND-CP about the one-stop-shop and interconnected one-stop-shop mechanisms in administrative procedures. It has also maintained its quality management system in accordance with ISO 9001:2015 standards, standardized document components in the National Database on Administrative Procedures, and efficiently handled feedback and suggestions from individuals and organizations regarding its administrative regulations.

In a bid to simplify transactions for customers, the State Treasury has accelerated its information technology (IT) projects throughout 2023, aiming to modernize its operational activities in line with the State Treasury Development Strategy up to 2030 and the IT Application Plan for 2021-2025. This initiative seeks to enhance IT application to boost operational efficiency and service quality for budgetary units, ensuring prompt resolution of 100% of support requests and facilitating seamless operation on IT systems.

Synchronized reforms with strong emphasis on IT

Moving forward, the State Treasury will continue to push for administrative reforms to further improve customer satisfaction.

Tran Quan, the General Director of the State Treasury, indicated plans to proactively finalize circulars, operational processes, and IT programs, directing them towards simplifying administrative procedures to maximize customer convenience. The State Treasury is set to further reorganize budget revenue and expenditure procedures, enhance and expand certain functionalities of its Online Public Service System, and strongly integrate IT into both its operational activities and internal management.

For 2024, the State Treasury has outlined numerous tasks, including implementing the 2021-2025 administrative reform plan across various areas such as institutional reform, administrative procedure reform, state administrative apparatus reorganization, public service regime reform, public financial reform, and administrative modernization.

The State Treasury will persist in studying and reforming administrative procedures to reduce paperwork, simplify processes, and fully transition to electronic platforms, leveraging data sharing among ministries, sectors, and integrating systems between the State Treasury and budget-using units. It aims to intensify IT application and digital transformation within its internal administrative process. Continuous evaluation and proposals for simplifying internal administrative procedures will align with the government's and the Ministry of Finance's agendas.

Additionally, there will be a focused effort to deploy and timely complete various IT modernization projects within the State Treasury, including: submitting for approval the project to upgrade the TABMIS system and related IT systems to develop a digital budget and state accounting information system (VDBAS); implementing interconnectivity for basic construction investment payments; deploying personal payment services through commercial banks for online public service participants; establishing a digital archive for the State Treasury's documents and vouchers; upgrading and expanding the Online Public Service System functionalities; deploying an Online Meeting System to district-level State Treasuries; leasing the State Treasury Data Center, and executing projects related to security, system management, and IT technical assurance for the State Treasury.

By Hương Dịu / Tran Minh

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