Many new regulations aim to drastically remove the IUU "Yellow Card"

VCN - Many new regulations against illegal, unreported, unregulated (IUU) fishing have been issued to help Vietnam complete the legal framework and soon remove the IUU "Yellow Card" in 2024.
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Completing the legal framework

Speaking at the Conference to implement new points under the Decree amending Decree No.26/2017/NQ-CP, Decree No.42/2019/ND-CP and Circular No. 23/2018/TT-BNNPTNT, Mr. Tran Dinh Luan, Director of the Department of Fisheries (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development) said that recently the Government issued Decree No. 37/2024/ND-CP amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree No.26/2019/ND-CP detailing a number of articles and measures to implement the Fisheries Law.

Compared to Decree No. 26/2019/ND-CP, Decree No. 37/2024/ND-CP has some outstanding new points, including adding regulations on management of fishing vessel monitoring systems. In particular, clearly stipulate the responsibilities of the Central and local levels in the management and use of the fishing vessel monitoring system; Captains and owners of fishing vessels must strictly comply with the warnings of the fishing vessel's cruise monitoring device and must not take the vessel beyond the boundaries of areas where fishing is permitted at sea.

The amended Decree also clearly stipulates the responsibilities of the unit providing monitoring equipment installed on fishing vessels; Clearly stipulate requirements and manage the installation of fishing vessel monitoring equipment and stipulate requirements for the installation of anti-collision equipment when operating at sea to avoid information disturbance, causing difficulties difficulty in management. In addition, the Decree also supplements regulations for supervisors on Vietnamese fishing vessels operating in Vietnamese waters to create a legal framework to maintain and promote Vietnam's seafood exports to the United States.

In addition, the Decree amends and supplements regulations on control of foreign ships exploiting, transporting, and transshipping aquatic products and aquatic products originating from exploitation that land in Vietnamese ports and controlling aquatic products and aquatic products. Aquatic products originating from exploitation are transported by container ships imported into Vietnam to implement Official Dispatch No. 1058/CD-TTg of the Prime Minister on focusing on implementing urgent tasks and solutions, focusing on combating illegal, unreported and unregulated seafood exploitation, removing the "Yellow Card" warning from the European Commission.

The Decree regulates the control of foreign ships exploiting, transporting, and transshipping aquatic products and aquatic products originating from exploitation and arriving at Vietnamese ports; Control seafood and aquatic products originating from exploitation transported by container ships imported into Vietnam. Accordingly, 48 hours before the shipment arrives at the port, organizations and individuals declare and send documents to the competent authority of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development for verification to confirm the origin of raw materials. Imported seafood does not violate IUU.

“Decree No. 37/2024 takes effect from May 19 and Decree 38/2024 will take effect from May 20, both of these newly issued Decree are in the direction of strict control and sanctions prohibit legal fishing practices according to EC recommendations, thereby showing the Government's efforts to combat IUU fishing, not only for the immediate goal of removing the 'Yellow Card', but importantly to create change truly transform fisheries activities towards sustainability", Director Tran Dinh Luan emphasized.

Many new regulations aim to drastically remove the IUU
There have been changes in the fight against IUU fishing, but to remove the "Yellow Card", localities need to make more efforts. Illustration photo: NT

Penalizing all cases of violation of VMS regulations

Assessing the removal of the IUU "Yellow Card", Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Phung Duc Tien said that the Secretariat has just issued Directive No. 32-CT/TW on strengthening the leadership of Party for the fight against illegal, unreported, unregulated fishing and sustainable development of the fisheries industry. Along with that, decrees to replace, amend and supplement have been issued; directives from the Prime Minister, the National Steering Committee... on combating illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. “There have been changes in the fight against IUU fishing, but to remove the 'Yellow Card', localities need to make more efforts. Localities need to continue to focus on fleet management and supervision; trace the origin of exploited products and strictly handle violations according to the new Decree", Deputy Minister Phung Duc Tien affirmed.

Ambassador Julien Guerrier, Head of the European Union (EU) Delegation to Vietnam, said that April 2024 is the peak time for Vietnam to remove Europe's "Yellow Card" warning. In the near future, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development will send a delegation led by Deputy Minister Phung Duc Tien to Belgium to work with the European Commission (EC) to receive information to prepare for the next inspection trip.

Ambassador Julien Guerrier also expected the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to have a full report on progress in meeting European requirements. Some recommendations the EC made during the 4th inspection include ensuring that fishing vessel data information in VNFishbase is completely accurate and having a mechanism to monitor and urge localities to update the database. Fishery materials according to regulations. In addition, review the handling process for disconnecting journey monitoring equipment (VMS), and sanction all cases of violation of VMS regulations.

By Xuan Thao/ Quynh Lan

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