Opportunity for growth and investment links between Vietnam and the US

Opportunity for growth and investment links between Vietnam and the US

VCN - Currently, the relationship between the US and Vietnam has been upgraded to a comprehensive strategic partnership, which is a solid foundation for the US to assist Vietnam's sustainable development and contribute to improving the business investment
Positive economic transformations in four months

Positive economic transformations in four months

VCN - In the context of global difficulties and challenges, Vietnam's socio-economic situation in April continues to undergo quite positive transformations, contributing to improving the overall results of the first four months of the year and setting the
Vietnam is ready to welcome a new wave of investment in the semiconductor industry

Vietnam is ready to welcome a new wave of investment in the semiconductor industry

VCN - Deputy Minister of Planning and Investment Tran Duy Dong (Photo) gave an interview to Customs Magazine about Vietnam's preparations to attract FDI into the semiconductor industry.
Việt Nam, Japan sign MoC on forestry co-operation

Việt Nam, Japan sign MoC on forestry co-operation

In wood product trade, Japan is one of the five biggest importing countries of Việt Nam in the world with about US$1.5-2 billion each year.
Mounting inflationary pressure requires Government’s flexible moves

Mounting inflationary pressure requires Government’s flexible moves

Inflationary pressure may increase between now and the year’s end due to impacts of multiple factors, requiring the Government take proactive and flexible actions, some experts have said.
Business conditions numerous and cumbersome: CIEM

Business conditions numerous and cumbersome: CIEM

Major hurdles must be overcome to simplify and streamline regulations governing economic activities, according to the latest report by the Central Institute of Economic Management (CIEM).
Prime Minister chairs seminar with Chinese businesses

Prime Minister chairs seminar with Chinese businesses

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on May 14 chaired a seminar with representatives from 19 Chinese groups specialising in green economy and digital economy.
Vietnam charts vision for sustainable, modern fisheries

Vietnam charts vision for sustainable, modern fisheries

Vietnam aims to have a sustainable and modern fishery sector by 2050, with maritime and inland waters biodiversity preserved and local livelihoods improved.
Vietnam becomes fastest growing digital economy in ASEAN: HSBC

Vietnam becomes fastest growing digital economy in ASEAN: HSBC

Vietnam was the fastest growing digital economy in ASEAN in 2022 and 2023 and it is expected to maintain this position until 2025, with the number of smartphones users anticipated to reach 67.3 million by 2026, accounting for 96.9% Internet users.
Maintain fiscal policy to "open the way" for the economy in 2024

Maintain fiscal policy to "open the way" for the economy in 2024

VCN - According to Dr. Can Van Luc, member of the National Financial and Monetary Policy Advisory Council (as picture), to maintain high and sustainable growth momentum in the next 1-2 years, the Government still needs to continue to prioritize fiscal pol
Key economic pillars show positive growth

Key economic pillars show positive growth

Vietnam's economy has gone through one-third of the 2024 yearly plan and achieved some remarkable results, showing clear recovery momentum through the growth of important pillars.
Human resources training takes centre stage to develop e-commerce

Human resources training takes centre stage to develop e-commerce

Training human resources in e-commerce is among focuses in plans on e-commerce development for 2024 of many localities, according to the Vietnam E-commerce and Digital Economic Agency under the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT).
High-quality human resources: "Hold the gold, don

High-quality human resources: "Hold the gold, don't let it fall"

The shortage of high-quality human resources, especially in high-tech fields, is a major bottleneck in attracting large technology corporations to shift investment locations to Vietnam
Vietnam needs drastic reforms for economic growth: experts

Vietnam needs drastic reforms for economic growth: experts

drastic reforms, economic growth, Vietnam, Vietnamplus, Vietnam News Agency
Key economic pillars show positive growth

Key economic pillars show positive growth

Vietnam's economy has gone through one-third of the 2024 yearly plan and achieved some remarkable results, showing clear recovery momentum through the growth of important pillars.
Vietnam, UK deepen strategic partnership

Vietnam, UK deepen strategic partnership

Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son and UK Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs David Cameron expressed their delight over the two countries’ strategic partnership which has been developed in a more effective and deeper manner, during their phone talks on May 10.
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Memorial service for Party General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng

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Leaders, people bid last farewell to General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong

Leaders, people bid last farewell to General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong

Since the early morning of July 25, large numbers of leaders and people from all walks of life have paid their last respects to Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong at the National Funeral Hall in Hanoi, the Thong Nhat Hall in Ho Chi Minh City, and in his hometown in Dong Hoi commune of Hanoi’s Dong Anh district, showing their great grief over the passing of the Party leader.
State funeral held for Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong

State funeral held for Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong

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(INFOGRAPHICS) Party leader develops diplomacy imbued with "Vietnamese bamboo" characteristics

Vietnam bamboo diplomacy, Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, Vietnamplus, Vietnam News Agency
Prime Minister

Prime Minister's telegram promoting growth, controlling inflation, and stabilizing the macroeconomy in July and the third quarter of 2024

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh has just signed and issued Official Dispatch No. 71/CD-TTg dated July 21, 2024 on key tasks and solutions to promote growth, control inflation, and stabilize the macro economy in July and the third quarter of 2024.
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