Many obstacles and bottlenecks for the green credit market, green bonds in Vietnam

Many obstacles and bottlenecks for the green credit market, green bonds in Vietnam

At the seminar, experts pointed out the shortcomings in the development of green credit, green bonds as well as proposed some solutions to overcome them.
Lenders asked to maintain loan standards to ensure credit safety

Lenders asked to maintain loan standards to ensure credit safety

The central bank is calling on lenders to facilitate access to capital for businesses, while also maintaining lending standards to ensure the safety of credit amid low demand.
Over 163,000 new stock trader accounts created during March

Over 163,000 new stock trader accounts created during March

More than 163,000 new stock trader accounts were created during March this year, an increase of over 50,000 accounts compared to January, marking March the month with the most accounts created in the last six months, according to the Vietnam Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation (VSDC).
The SBV is ready to actively use tools to ensure exchange rate stability

The SBV is ready to actively use tools to ensure exchange rate stability

VCN - According to Standing Deputy Governor of the State Bank (SBV) Dao Minh Tu, monetary policy tools are needed to manage exchange rates, but communication elements are needed to create confidence in the market and avoid the psychology of hoarding. hold
Minister of Finance Ho Duc Phoc joins ASEAN meetings

Minister of Finance Ho Duc Phoc joins ASEAN meetings

VCN - Minister of Finance Ho Duc Phoc attended meetings between ASEAN finance ministers and central bank governors and the EU-ASEAN Business Council (EU-ABC), the US- ASEAN Business Council (US ABC), and the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) in Luang
Striving to achieve and exceed the targets and objectives for 2024

Striving to achieve and exceed the targets and objectives for 2024

VCN - On April 3rd, in the afternoon at Hanoi, following the regular government session that morning, the Government Office hosted the routine March 2024 Government press briefing.
Effective inspection and supervision - a key factor for a transparent stock market

Effective inspection and supervision - a key factor for a transparent stock market

Securities Law officially took effect since 2019, the average annual number of penalty decisions has more than doubled compared to the period 2015-2020

HoSE's stock market capitalisation in March rises by 3.1% compared to February

The stock market capitalisation on the HCM Stock Exchange in March increased by 23.1 per cent from the end of 2023.
The Financial Inspectorate carries out "focus and emphasis" to improve work efficiency

The Financial Inspectorate carries out "focus and emphasis" to improve work efficiency

VCN - Currently, the inspection law related to the Finance sector has many new positive points, thereby helping the financial inspection system continue to improve efficiency and carry out focused and important tasks.
Personal Income Tax Law to be amended in 2025

Personal Income Tax Law to be amended in 2025

VCN - On March 29, answering questions from the press at the Ministry of Finance's regular press conference for the first quarter of 2024, the leader of the Department of Management and Supervision of Tax, Charges and Fees Policy (Ministry of Finance) sai
Vietnamese stocks on FTSE Russell waiting list for upgrading

Vietnamese stocks on FTSE Russell waiting list for upgrading

VCN - Vietnam remains on the watch list for a possible reclassification from frontier to secondary emerging market and will be updated to Waiting List status for upgrading in September 2024, according to the FTSE ‘s Country Classification review in March.
The Government plans to borrow maximum of VND676,057 billion and repay debt of VND453,990 billion in 2024

The Government plans to borrow maximum of VND676,057 billion and repay debt of VND453,990 billion in 2024

VCN - The Government's loan sources are mobilized from issuing Government bonds, ODA loans, and foreign preferential loans; or other legal financial sources.
Digitalizing procedure for social welfare payment at State Treasury

Digitalizing procedure for social welfare payment at State Treasury

Promoting the digitalization and electronicization of revenue and expenditure transactions at the State Treasury has been identified as one of the most important tasks.
Minister of Finance Ho Duc Phoc to attend the 28th ASEAN Finance Ministers

Minister of Finance Ho Duc Phoc to attend the 28th ASEAN Finance Ministers' Meeting

VCN - The AFMM and the AFMGM open up opportunities for Finance Ministers and Governors to discuss and share views on common issues in ASEAN financial cooperation, and approve policies and orientations in the fields of financial cooperation.
15 Vietnam banks listed in Brand Finance Banking 500 2024 ranking

15 Vietnam banks listed in Brand Finance Banking 500 2024 ranking

Fifteen Vietnamese banks are named among the world’s top 500 most valuable banking brands this year according to the Brand Finance Banking 500 2024 ranking. In the recently released ranking, Vietcombank is the Vietnamese bank with the highest brand value in 2024. Globally, Vietcombank ranks 133rd, up 4 positions compared to 2023.
State revenue collection reached 31.7% of current appropriation in the first quarter

State revenue collection reached 31.7% of current appropriation in the first quarter

State revenue collection in quarter 1 is estimated to increase 9.8% compared to the same period last year
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Ensure expenditure control and quick processing of public investment payment documents

Ensure expenditure control and quick processing of public investment payment documents

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Perfecting the legal framework to promote upgrading the stock market

Perfecting the legal framework to promote upgrading the stock market

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Margin loan continues hit new record

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Vietnam needs comprehensive regulatory framework to attract green financing

Vietnam needs a clear regulatory framework and solutions to promote the green finance market and encourage private capital flows into green fields, experts have said.
2025 budget estimation must be practical, accurate and efficient

2025 budget estimation must be practical, accurate and efficient

VCN - Directing the 2025 state budget estimation, Minister of Finance Ho Duc Phoc emphasized that units must ensure that the 2025 budget estimation must be practical, accurate, efficient, and meet the requirements for performing professional and political
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