Revising SCT on automobiles must ensure harmony of benefits

Revising SCT on automobiles must ensure harmony of benefits

VCN - At the Workshop "Draft regulations on revising special consumption tax (SCT) on automobiles: Impacts and Recommendations" organized by the Central Institute for Economic Management (CIEM) on August 1, many multi-dimensional comments of experts and b
Continuing to evaluate impacts and controversial issues to complete VAT Bill

Continuing to evaluate impacts and controversial issues to complete VAT Bill

VCN - On the afternoon of June 24, continuing the Program of the 7th Session of the 15th National Assembly, the National Assembly discussed the project of the Law on Value Added Tax (revised). At the discussion session, Minister of Finance Ho Duc Phoc exp
HCM City Customs takes measures to increase state revenue

HCM City Customs takes measures to increase state revenue

VCN - At the working session with Minister of Finance Ho Duc Phoc on June 14, Director of HCM City Customs Department Nguyen Hoang Tuan shared reasons for the State revenue reduction. Accordingly, the revenue from CBU cars declines 51.78% year-on-year due
Considering to impose 5% of VAT on fertilizers

Considering to impose 5% of VAT on fertilizers

Under the draft amended Law on Value-Added Tax (VAT), fertilizers are expected to be included in the category of goods subject to VAT at a rate of 5%
Five solutions to improve quality of imported goods classification

Five solutions to improve quality of imported goods classification

VCN - Notably, one item has been declared different codes or insufficient information, false declaration of goods nature, tax rate, taxes for on-site import and export goods….
Proposing a new way to calculate the excise tax rate

Proposing a new way to calculate the excise tax rate

VCN - According to the World Health Organization's investigation report, about 90% of the countries (194 surveyed countries) apply excise tax on tobacco, the Ministry of Finance said.
Officially submit to the Government the Decree to reduce 50% of registration fees for domestically manufactured  and assembled cars

Officially submit to the Government the Decree to reduce 50% of registration fees for domestically manufactured and assembled cars

VCN - The Ministry of Finance has just submitted to the Government a project of a decree regulating the level of registration fee collection for domestically manufactured and assembled automobiles.
Impact and opportunity of global minimum tax

Impact and opportunity of global minimum tax

VCN - If the global minimum tax is applied, more than 1,000 businesses in Vietnam will be affected. Therefore, there is a need to develop a specific and appropriate plan to ensure Vietnam's tax levy rights as well as to attract foreign investment.
VAT rate of 5% applies to veterinary medicine

VAT rate of 5% applies to veterinary medicine

VCN - According to provisions at Point 1, Clause 2, Article 8 of the Law on VAT, preventive and curative medicines are subject to the 5% VAT rate.
Proposal to adjust tax rate of imported raw material for producing petroleum

Proposal to adjust tax rate of imported raw material for producing petroleum

The Ministry of Finance has proposed to amend tax rates for a number of items to stabilize the market and stabilize the source of domestically produced raw materials for oil products.
Mixed views on global minimum corporate tax rate

Mixed views on global minimum corporate tax rate

The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) two-pillar solution has introduced a global minimum corporate tax rate (GMCT) of 15 per cent applicable from 2023, but experts have mixed positions on the tax.
Strictly handling cases of not reducing VAT

Strictly handling cases of not reducing VAT

Tax sector will coordinate with competent forces to strictly handle cases of not reducing VAT in accordance with Decree 15/2022/NĐ-CP.
Reducing land rent in 2021 for those hit by Covid-19 pandemic

Reducing land rent in 2021 for those hit by Covid-19 pandemic

VCN – The 30% reduction of the land rent is calculated on the payable land rent after it has been reduced in accordance with the law.
Tax rates on supplies, raw materials and semi-finished products to be altered

Tax rates on supplies, raw materials and semi-finished products to be altered

VCN - The Ministry of Finance has proposed revising the tax rates on supplies, raw materials and semi-finished products in the Export Tariffs.
MoF proposes to revise preferential import and export tax rates for items

MoF proposes to revise preferential import and export tax rates for items

VCN – The draft provides two articles and key four content groups. Accordingly, it will revise preferential import and export tax rates for some items with a sharp increase in price.
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