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scientific research ", hope you find the content you want on the website Customs News

Improving efficiency of management and scientific research in Customs sector
20:00 | 03/06/2022 Customs
VCN - Most of the scientific research projects of the customs sector have clarified the scientific arguments for reform in operations, provided new views, solutions and proposals on professional fields, to effectively assist the policy making and orientat

Improve effectiveness of applying scientific research in customs field into practice
09:49 | 19/10/2021 Customs
That was the direction of Deputy Director General of Vietnam Customs Luu Manh Tuong at the online conference to summarize the activities of the Scientific Council of Vietnam Customs

Success comes with passion for scientific research
09:05 | 27/10/2020 Headlines
VCN - Scientific research is a field that requires a lot of qualities and hard work even for those with an abundance of passion.

Consider management measures of imported IT products on the prohibited list
10:00 | 10/07/2019 Customs
The Ministry of Information and Communications has been chaired to develop the draft Decision about the import of goods under the list of used IT products banned from import for scientific research
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