Multiple tasks directed by the Government to stimulate growth and control inflation

Multiple tasks directed by the Government to stimulate growth and control inflation

VCN - The government recently issued Resolution No. 93/NQ-CP concerning the principal tasks and solutions for fostering growth, controlling inflation, and stabilizing the macroeconomy.
Closely monitoring fluctuations to calculate the appropriate time to adjust prices

Closely monitoring fluctuations to calculate the appropriate time to adjust prices

According to a report from the Ministry of Finance, in the second quarter and the remaining months of 2024, price management needs to ensure inflation control.
The exchange rate is heated up: Need flexible regulation to control inflation

The exchange rate is heated up: Need flexible regulation to control inflation

The exchange rate has been increasing sharply since the beginning of the year until now, despite the context that foreign currency liquidity is still abundant thanks to positive indicators of trade and investment.
Control false information about prices causing market instability

Control false information about prices causing market instability

VCN - The Ministry of Finance said that it is necessary to strengthen the dissemination, transparency and truthfulness of price information to control inflation; and to limit false information causing concern to consumers, causing market instability.
Control inflation expectations through transparent price management: Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai

Control inflation expectations through transparent price management: Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai

VCN - The Ministry of Finance has proposed two inflation scenarios for the third quarter and the remaining months of 2023.
Reduce operating interest rates to promptly support businesses

Reduce operating interest rates to promptly support businesses

For the first time in two years, the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) has decided to cut some operating interest rates from 0.5-1%. According to experts, this is a very flexible and timely decision.
Import and export turnover no longer depends on the exchange rate

Import and export turnover no longer depends on the exchange rate

​​​​​​​In an interview with Customs News, Dr. Nguyen Duc Do said that import and export in Vietnam no longer depend as much on the exchange rate, but must keep the foreign exchange market and interest rates stable
State Bank rate hike necessary to defend VN đồng, control inflation

State Bank rate hike necessary to defend VN đồng, control inflation

ADB Country Director Andrew Jeffries spoke to Vietnam News Agency on this move in the context of the US’ Fed, ECB and a number of other central banks raising their rates to curb inflation.
Great pressure on deposit interest rates, lending rates may increase

Great pressure on deposit interest rates, lending rates may increase

With the current situation, there are many concerns that deposit and lending interest rates may continue to increase due to the recovery of capital needs for business activities after the pandemic.
Balancing inflation control and economic recovery

Balancing inflation control and economic recovery

VCN - Vietnam's GDP growth in 2022 has been continuously raised, while the world and many other countries have continuously lowered their growth forecasts.
Finding solutions so commodity prices no longer "anchor" when gasoline prices decrease

Finding solutions so commodity prices no longer "anchor" when gasoline prices decrease

At the seminar, solutions have been discussed to make commodity prices no longer "anchored" high although the price of gasoline has been reduced.
Prime Minister requests measures to strengthen price management

Prime Minister requests measures to strengthen price management

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh signed public electricity No.679/CĐ-TTg on strengthening price management measures.
Prevent unreasonable price increases

Prevent unreasonable price increases

Ministries, sectors and provinces need to strictly fulfill directives of the Steering Committee on price management to avoid the situation of goods and service prices following the adjustment of petroleum prices.
Carrying out price administration in careful, flexible and proactive manners

Carrying out price administration in careful, flexible and proactive manners

The inflation rate is expected at 1.9% in 2021 that will help to reduce the pressure in 2022 when many factors are creating pressure on inflation control and price administration.
Gasoline price increase of 10% causes GDP to decrease by 0.5%, CPI to increase by 0.36%

Gasoline price increase of 10% causes GDP to decrease by 0.5%, CPI to increase by 0.36%

The domestic gasoline price is adjusted to increase for the 4th consecutive time which is inevitable when the rise of the world petroleum market directly affects the retail price of gasoline in the country.
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