Will Chinese cars flood the Vietnam market?

Will Chinese cars flood the Vietnam market?

Car dealers have halted the import of Chinese cars but are expected to resume early next year.
Seven Chinese cars with illegal "nine-dash line" map confiscated

Seven Chinese cars with illegal "nine-dash line" map confiscated

VCN - When identifying violations, Customs office will confiscate Chinese-origin cars with illegal “nine-dash line” map that were newly discovered in Hai Phong.
Hai Phong Customs detects seven Chinese cars suspected of containing the “nine-dash line” map

Hai Phong Customs detects seven Chinese cars suspected of containing the “nine-dash line” map

VCN - The case of cars with the nine-dash line has been discovered by Dinh Vu port Customs Branch of Hai Phong Customs Department and is being handled.
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