Party leader orders more efforts to maintain pace of economic development

Party General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng told authorities to work harder to cope with the unpredictable development of the world economic and political situation, which can slow down Việt Nam’s recovery efforts.
General Party Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng (centre) chairs the Politburo and Secretariat meeting yesterday in Hà Nội to discuss the domestic and international situation in the first half of 2022 with regards to socio-economic development, COVID-19 prevention and control, defence and security, diplomacy, Party building and anti-corruption, as well as to set tasks for the next half of the year. VNA/VNS Photo Trí Dũng

Party General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng told authorities to work harder to cope with the unpredictable development of the world economic and political situation, which can slow down Việt Nam’s recovery efforts.

He was speaking during a meeting he chaired on the socio-economic situation in the first half of this year held by the Politburo and Secretariat on Friday.

He noted that the country would continue to face with several challenges caused by a number of factors including the Russia-Ukraine conflict, increasingly fierce strategic competition between major powers, increasing inflation, and rising petroleum prices.

He also ordered that authorities implement the national target programme, the socio-economic recovery and development programme, and the COVID prevention and control programme (2022 - 2023) in a rapid, comprehensive and effective way.

It was important to accelerate the disbursement of public investment capital and have proper fiscal, monetary and other macroeconomic policies while closely monitoring commodity prices, he said.

The Party leader also emphasised the need to have measures in place to manage petroleum prices and have mechanisms to support businesses and people, especially the disadvantaged people and those on low income, to cope with the rising commodity prices, increasing living costs and production fees.

He also requested to have complete regulations on import and bidding of drugs, medical supplies and equipment as well as policies on salaries, allowances and other remuneration for medical staff.

Other tasks are also on the agenda including control of such diseases as acute hepatitis of unknown etiology in children, dengue fever and infectious diseases as well as the new strains of COVID-19, the organisation of the national entrance exam; prevention and control of natural diseases and climate change.

The Politburo and Secretariat also highlighted the task of expanding diplomatic relations, closely monitoring developments in international and regional situations to have appropriate plans ready to ensure the highest interests and national security of Việt Nam as well as peace, cooperation and development of the region and the world while proactively and promptly handling issues related to land and sea borders.

They also requested the authorities to amend and complete legal documents to implement effectively the laws on cybersecurity as well as strictly handle violations in the fields of journalism, publishing, electronic information, and cross-border network service provisions.

The Politburo and Secretariat also ordered to speed up the inspection, investigation, prosecution and adjudication of corruption cases, especially those of public interest like test kit fraud of Việt Á, stock price manipulation, bribes at the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, among many other cases.

Also at the meeting, Party leader Trọng highlighted the positive socio-economic indicators in the first six months of this year, including GDP growth, state budget collection, foreign direct investment, the number of firms established and the number of international arrivals. VNS

Source: VNA

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