Many policies support innovation but it is difficult for businesses to access

VCN - According to Ms. Trinh Thi Huong, Deputy Director of the Department of Enterprise Development, Ministry of Planning and Investment, Vietnam has nearly 900,000 operating businesses and over 90% are small and super small. However, according to the survey, the majority of businesses are not ready for digital transformation and do not know where to find support channels for digital transformation.
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Policies to support innovation are still scattered and not deeply focused on each industry, profession, or field.
Policies to support innovation are still scattered and not deeply focused on each industry, profession, or field.

Businesses are struggling with digital transformation and innovation

Decision No. 569/QD-TTg on "Strategy for developing science, technology and innovation until 2030" has set the goal of enhancing the contribution of science, technology and innovation to economic growth economic growth through scientific research and technological development activities of research institutes and universities, technological innovation activities, and improving management and organizational capacity in enterprises.

In order to realize the set goals, in recent times, many mechanisms and policies to encourage and support businesses to invest in research and technological innovation have been issued and have had positive impacts to help businesses invest in research and technological innovation businesses improve productivity, quality, as well as competitiveness of products and services; Strong direction of linking scientific and technological tasks with output products, practice and markets...

Changes in policy have brought "sweet fruits". Ms. Trinh Thi Huong, Deputy Director of the Department of Enterprise Development (Ministry of Planning and Investment) said that currently, policies and programs to support businesses in digital transformation have been issued quite fully. At the same time, we have built tools, digital platforms, digital transformation databases, built and deployed digital transformation training for businesses, for digital transformation consultants, as well as deploying in-depth consulting for businesses on digital transformation... Thanks to that, more than 13,800 businesses in 63 provinces and cities nationwide received direct training on digital transformation; Nearly 400 businesses received intensive support in building and implementing digital transformation roadmaps, and 28 businesses received direct in-house training on digital transformation.

“Vietnam has nearly 900,000 operating businesses and over 90% are small and super small. The total budget allocated to support small and medium-sized enterprises in 2024 is VND 140 billion to support digital transformation, expected to support training for more than 8,000 businesses, both face-to-face and online training. Consulting and supporting the application of digital transformation solutions. However, according to the survey, most businesses are not ready for digital transformation and do not know where to find support channels for digital transformation. Vietnamese businesses face many obstacles when innovating and are not fully aware of the role of innovation," Deputy Director of the Department of Enterprise Development emphasized.

The policy is still scattered

Although Vietnam has made efforts to build a legal framework to encourage innovation and support businesses to invest in science and technology development, according to experts, there is need for improvement in the near future. Reality shows that policies to support innovation are still scattered and not deeply focused on each industry, occupation, and field; There are limitations in building incubation, training and consulting organizations for startups; Lack of connection between institutes and universities with startup ideas. Science and technology have not really become the key driving force to promote socio-economic development.

According to Dr. Vo Tri Thanh, Director of the Institute of Brand Strategy and Competitiveness Research, innovation, digital transformation, and green transformation are inevitable trends today. If Vietnam does not seize this opportunity, it will be difficult to have other opportunities because this is a revolution in institutions and policies, so we need to "work and run" and cannot wait for the institutions to be perfected.

Ms. Nguyen Thy Nga, Director of the Institute of Policy Management and Development Strategy under the Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations, said that currently, mechanisms and policies on digital transformation and innovation have fragmentation with the participation of many ministries and branches, while the connection between these units has many limitations and challenges. This makes it difficult and confusing for businesses to implement innovation activities in the context of digital transformation, because they do not know which ministry or sector to follow.

According to Ms. Nguyen Thy Nga, mechanisms and policies to support businesses in implementing innovation are both numerous and lacking. Because they are sporadic and scattered in many areas, managed by different ministries, branches and localities, making it difficult for businesses to identify these policies to take advantage of them. But we find not enough because it is lack of a system of mechanisms and policies with centralized and systematic links for businesses to have favorable access. Businesses are swimming in a system of support mechanisms and policies, but do not know how to receive this support. Many foreign investment funds want to invest in Vietnam, but they are interrupted due to the lack of information from ministries and branches.

Overcoming the above limitations, thereby promoting innovation and practical development in the coming time, the Director of the Institute of Policy Administration and Development Strategy believes that it is necessary to create a connection between the two main policies. An important policy is to attract intellectual resources and support enhancing the role of entrepreneurs in the new era. In addition, ministries and branches must do together to create links and connections on mechanisms and policies for innovation and digital transformation.

With the role of the National Innovation Center (NIC), this organization should be the focal point and center to gather the overall system of mechanisms and policies at the national level on innovation. This information needs to be regularly updated on the National Electronic Information Portal on innovation and digital transformation, so that domestic and foreign businesses and partners can easily grasp it, thereby meeting the requirements. diverse needs of businesses. This is a way to help Vietnam improve its ability to attract investment in the field of innovation and digital transformation. NIC should pilot a model that gathers all contributions and initiatives on innovation in particular and Vietnam's development in general from experts, including intellectuals, experts abroad. Besides attracting contributions of ideas, it is necessary to move on to attracting capital and remittances.

“If you want to innovate successfully, you need to focus on three issues: increasing labor productivity, increasing revenue, and increasing brand recognition. Increasing labor productivity, it is necessary to make the most of domestic and foreign resources, thereby serving the effective implementation of programs", emphasized the Director of the Institute of Policy Administration and Development Strategy.

By Xuanthao/Quynhlan

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