To Lam becomes new State President

To Lam becomes new State President

The 15th National Assembly (NA) on May 22 elected To Lam as the President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
Increase foreign investment resources from improving the business environment

Increase foreign investment resources from improving the business environment

VCN - In the two years 2024-2025, the proportion of foreign invested enterprises (FDI) expected to expand production and business will decrease compared to previous years, reflecting a more cautious trend of FDI enterprises due to the impact of the curren
Rising middle class pushes wealth management potential in Vietnam

Rising middle class pushes wealth management potential in Vietnam

The personal financial assets market in Vietnam is forecast to reach hundreds of billions of US dollars in the next few years, providing significant opportunities for wealth management services.
The carbon credit market opens up many opportunities for businesses

The carbon credit market opens up many opportunities for businesses

VCN - According to experts, the world carbon credit market has been vibrant in the past few years. Dr. Nguyen Phuong Nam, UN greenhouse gas inventory assessment expert, said that Vietnam currently has about 1,912 establishments conducting greenhouse gas e
Quang Ninh: Administrative reform, improving infrastructure, promoting import and export

Quang Ninh: Administrative reform, improving infrastructure, promoting import and export

VCN - In recent years, Quang Ninh province has promoted administrative reform activities, improved the business investment environment, and supported businesses.
National Assembly opens 7th session

National Assembly opens 7th session

The 15th National Assembly (NA) convened its 7th sitting in Hanoi on May 20 morning, with the opening session broadcast live by several national and NA television and radio channels.
The quality of economic management at the provincial level continues to improve

The quality of economic management at the provincial level continues to improve

VCN - In production and business activities, support from local authorities plays a very important role. The good news is that in a context of economic pressure, businesses have appreciated the positive efforts of provincial and city governments in improv
Promoting e-commerce human resources training in Việt Nam

Promoting e-commerce human resources training in Việt Nam

E-commerce staff are quite young and can quickly accept new technology, which could start businesses in the digital environment.
National Assembly to work on personnel affairs on May 20

National Assembly to work on personnel affairs on May 20

Personnel work will be tabled right after the seventh session of the National Assembly (NA) opens on May 20, according to Secretary General of the NA and Chairman of its Office Bui Van Cuong.
High-quality science, technology human resources key to sustainable growth

High-quality science, technology human resources key to sustainable growth

To achieve sustainable development and help the economy take off, high-quality human resources and advancements in science and technology should be seen as key components, according to insiders.
Vietnam, France look to boost economic partnership

Vietnam, France look to boost economic partnership

Deputy Minister of Planning and Investment Tran Quoc Phuong and French Minister Delegate for Foreign Trade, Economic Attractiveness, Francophonie and French Nationals Abroad Franck Riester co-chaired the 8th session of the Vietnam-France High-Level Dialogue on Economy in Paris on May 17.
Opportunity for growth and investment links between Vietnam and the US

Opportunity for growth and investment links between Vietnam and the US

VCN - Currently, the relationship between the US and Vietnam has been upgraded to a comprehensive strategic partnership, which is a solid foundation for the US to assist Vietnam's sustainable development and contribute to improving the business investment
Positive economic transformations in four months

Positive economic transformations in four months

VCN - In the context of global difficulties and challenges, Vietnam's socio-economic situation in April continues to undergo quite positive transformations, contributing to improving the overall results of the first four months of the year and setting the
Vietnam is ready to welcome a new wave of investment in the semiconductor industry

Vietnam is ready to welcome a new wave of investment in the semiconductor industry

VCN - Deputy Minister of Planning and Investment Tran Duy Dong (Photo) gave an interview to Customs Magazine about Vietnam's preparations to attract FDI into the semiconductor industry.
Việt Nam, Japan sign MoC on forestry co-operation

Việt Nam, Japan sign MoC on forestry co-operation

In wood product trade, Japan is one of the five biggest importing countries of Việt Nam in the world with about US$1.5-2 billion each year.
Mounting inflationary pressure requires Government’s flexible moves

Mounting inflationary pressure requires Government’s flexible moves

Inflationary pressure may increase between now and the year’s end due to impacts of multiple factors, requiring the Government take proactive and flexible actions, some experts have said.
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Leaders, people bid last farewell to General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong

Leaders, people bid last farewell to General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong

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State funeral held for Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong

State funeral held for Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong

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(INFOGRAPHICS) Party leader develops diplomacy imbued with "Vietnamese bamboo" characteristics

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Prime Minister

Prime Minister's telegram promoting growth, controlling inflation, and stabilizing the macroeconomy in July and the third quarter of 2024

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh has just signed and issued Official Dispatch No. 71/CD-TTg dated July 21, 2024 on key tasks and solutions to promote growth, control inflation, and stabilize the macro economy in July and the third quarter of 2024.
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