By 2030, Vietnam will basically meet the criteria of an industrialized country

VCN - On November 17, 2022, the Central Committee issued Resolution No. 29-NQ/TW on "Continuing to accelerate the industrialization and modernization of the country until 2030, with a vision to 2045".

This is the first thematic resolution of the Party on industrialization and modernization and head of the Central Economic Commission Tran Tuan Anh said that Resolution 29 sets out the goal that by 2030, Vietnam will have basically achieved the criteria of an industrialized country, a developing country with modern industry and high average income.

Politburo member, Head of the Central Economic Commission Tran Tuan Anh.
Politburo member, Head of the Central Economic Commission Tran Tuan Anh.

Could you please explain the meaning and importance of Resolution No. 29-NQ/TW on "Continuing to promote industrialization and modernization of the country until 2030, with a vision to 2045"?

Mr. Tran Tuan Anh:

The promulgation of Resolution No. 29-NQ/TW dated November 17, 2022 of the 13th Party Central Committee on "Continuing to promote industrialization and modernization of the country until 2030, with a vision to 2045" is extremely important and necessary.

Firstly, industrialization and modernization is one of the central and cross-cutting tasks of the whole political system, and is the method and motivation to realize the goal of rapid and sustainable development of the country.

Reality has shown that the vast majority of countries in the world want to become industrialized and achieve a high income level, all carrying out the process of industrialization and modernization. Given the characteristics and conditions of Vietnam, if Vietnam wants to realize the goals set out by the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress, it must continue to promote industrialization and modernization.

Secondly, the issue of industrialization and modernization of the country has been raised in many terms of the Party Congress. There have been about 20 resolutions promulgated guiding some important guidelines related to separate aspects of industrialization and modernization; however, until the promulgation of Resolution 29-NQ/TW, our Party still did not have its own resolution on this issue.

The XIII Congress stated: "Continue to promote industrialization and modernization based on the foundation of science, technology and innovation".

Especially in the current context, when our country has a new position and power.

We are building an independent, self-reliant, proactive and positive economy with extensive, substantive and effective international integration. Besides, the situation in the world and the region continues to have many rapid, complicated and unpredictable changes; especially the strong impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is posing many new and complex problems. From there, practical requirements need a new resolution that is comprehensive and complete to promote the industrialization and modernization of the country.

Third, the practical implementation of the country's industrialization and modernization in recent years still has many limitations that need to have the Party's policy to lead and promptly remove, such as economic growth has not reached the set target, the speed tends to decrease gradually; at risk of falling behind and falling into the middle-income trap.

The internal strength of the economy is still weak, labor productivity has been slowly improved and the capacity for independence and self-reliance is low. The industry has developed unsustainably. The important service sectors account for a small proportion, and the linkages with the manufacturing industries are still weak. Urbanization has not been closely and synchronously linked with industrialization and modernization. The issues of cultural, social, human and environmental development still have many limitations and inadequacies, etc. The issued resolution will orient and serve as a guideline to concretize the Party's guidelines stated in the document of the 13th Party Congress, the Socio-Economic Development Strategy for the 2021-2030 period; is an important political basis in orienting new thoughts, policies, tasks and solutions to create a driving force to promote industrialization and modernization of the country.

What is the view of the Party on continuing to promote industrialization and modernization of the country expressed in Resolution 29?

Mr. Tran Tuan Anh:

The Resolution has set forth many comprehensive guiding viewpoints, and at the same time also concretized key contents as the basis for orientation to promote industrialization and modernization of the country, with a number of core contents.

Accordingly, the content/perception of industrialization and modernization has been clarified as "a fundamental and comprehensive transformation of the economy and social life based mainly on the development of industry and services on the basis of science, technology and innovation”. Unify the awareness of the role, position and importance of industrialization and modernization with socio-economic development, considering "the central task of the country's socio-economic development strategy, building an independent, self-reliant and proactive economy, actively integrating into the international community, developing rapidly and sustainably, becoming a developed and high-income country".

Emphasizing the Party's cross-cutting point of view that promoting industrialization and modernization of the country is the task of the whole people and the whole political system. Putting industrialization and modernization in the overall development strategy of the country to have a comprehensive approach, focusing on harmoniously solving major relationships in the process of industrialization and modernization of the country, that is "ensure the harmony between development economic development with social progress and justice, environmental protection; closely and synchronously with the process of urbanization, new rural construction, growth model innovation, economic restructuring and labor restructuring.”

Identifying key contents and requirements “must exploit and bring into full play all potentials and advantages of the country, each region and locality; the advantage of the economy that is behind and is in the golden population period; synchronous and effective combination between sequential development and taking shortcuts; rapidly shifting from processing and assembly to manufacturing, processing, designing and producing in Vietnam.

Concentrating on developing a number of service industries with advantages, high knowledge and technology content, focusing on promoting industries. The development of the manufacturing and processing industry is the key, digital transformation is a breakthrough method to shorten the process of industrialization and modernization; industrialization and modernization of agriculture and rural areas are one of the top priority tasks.

How will the roadmap and process of industrialization and modernization of the country be implemented, sir?

Mr. Tran Tuan Anh:

The roadmap and steps in the implementation of industrialization and modernization of the country must focus and identify the fields of industry that need to be prioritized for development in an overall relationship with the requirements of concentrating resources to develop growth poles, foundation industries, priority industries, spearhead industries, supporting industries, service industries with high added value; strengthen industry linkages and regional linkages.

Supplementing and perfecting the Party's theoretical thinking on the subject and resources to implement industrialization and modernization: "taking domestic resources is basic, strategic, long-term and decisive, external resources are important; domestic enterprises (including state-owned enterprises and private enterprises) are dominant; FDI enterprises are the driving force to promote industrialization and modernization”.

At the same time, Resolution 29 also emphasized the requirement in implementing industrialization and modernization of the country, "must ensure macroeconomic stability; proactively and positively integrate into the international economy deeply and effectively; arouse development aspirations, national entrepreneurial spirit, innovation; promoting cultural values both traditional and modern aspects, bravery and human intelligence of Vietnam and the class of modern workers; the role of leading the team of Vietnamese intellectuals and entrepreneurs".

Thank you Sir!

By Xuan Thao/Phuong Linh

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