Tasks and solutions for socio-economic development and national competitiveness improvement in 2023

VCN - The Government issued Resolution 01/NQ-CP on the main tasks and solutions for the implementation of the socio-economic development plan, the state budget estimate and the improvement of the business environment and capacity promotion of national competition in 2023.
Cargo ships loading and unloading goods at Son Duong port (Vung Ang economic zone). Photo: H. Nu
Cargo ships loading and unloading goods at Son Duong port (Vung Ang economic zone). Photo: H. Nu

Six points of view

In order to successfully implement the goals and tasks of the socio-economic development plan in 2023 according to the Resolution of the National Assembly, the Government requires all levels, branches and localities to be determined and maintain the spirit of overcoming difficulties, solidarity, self-reliance, proactive adaptation, flexibility, drastic action, science, efficiency, active innovation, and creativity.

Some key indicators of the Socio-Economic Development Plan 2023 (assigned by the National Assembly) are the growth rate of gross domestic product (GDP) is about 6.5%; GDP per capita is about USD 4,400; the proportion of processing and manufacturing industry in GDP is about 25.4 - 25.8%; average growth rate of consumer price index (CPI) is about 4.5%; the rate of poverty reduction according to the multidimensional poverty line 1-1.5%; rate of population participating in health insurance 93.2%.

The Government has set out six points of view, including closely following the Resolution of the 13th National Congress of the Party; thematic resolutions, the conclusions of the Central Committee, the Politburo and the Resolutions of the National Assembly and the Government.

Focus on implementing synchronously and effectively the viewpoints, goals, tasks and solutions of the Socio-Economic Development Strategy 2021-2030, the 5-year plans for the 2021-2025 period, with three strategic breakthroughs, six key tasks and 12 key solution groups.

It is important to resolutely overcome difficulties and challenges, take advantage of opportunities and advantages for socio-economic development; proactively and actively integrate into the world comprehensively, deeply, substantively and effectively at the same time, and build an independent and self-reliant economy.

Improve analysis and forecasting capacity; be proactive in all situations, sensitively grasp new developments of the situation, promptly and decisively handle problems, develop flexible scenarios and plans, and adapt to arising problems.

Continue to operate monetary policy firmly, proactively, flexibly and effectively; closely and synchronously coordinate with expansionary fiscal policy and other policies; timely management of macroeconomic, fiscal, and monetary policy tools to properly and effectively balance exchange rates with interest rates, between controlling inflation and promoting economic growth, in line with the current situation.

It is necessary to synchronize, unite and determine in directing and operating while tasks and long-standing backlogs are being focused on effectively handling and promptly responding to problems.

Promptly and effectively respond to urgent and unexpected problems arising in the short term, and at the same time implement fundamental tasks and solutions in the medium and long term.

Strengthening institutional improvement, focusing on implementation of communication and policy response in the process of formulating and promulgating legal documents, focusing on solving difficulties, and having supportive policy solutions timely and effective support for production and business; do the job completely, not to prolong, cause congestion, waste resources; ensure the synchronization of immediate and long-term goals, contributing to promoting rapid and sustainable socio-economic development.

Cultural development is on par with the economy, politics and society. To implement policies on social security, sustainable poverty reduction, ensure social progress and justice, protect the environment, take care of the material and spiritual life of the people, especially those who have significantly contributed to the country, poor households, disadvantaged groups in remote areas, border areas, islands and ethnic minorities.

Continue to consolidate and maintain national defense and security; step up external activities, improve the quality and efficiency of international integration; ensure a stable, peaceful and cooperative environment to promote rapid and sustainable development.

11 key tasks and solutions

The resolution clarifies 11 main tasks and solutions to implement the socio-economic development plan, state budget, and improve the business environment and improve national competitiveness in 2023.

Maintaining macroeconomic stability continues to be prioritized, inflation must be controlled; promoting growth, and ensuring major balances of the economy. Continue to focus on disease prevention. Strengthening to build and complete institutions and raising the effectiveness and efficiency of law enforcement organizations, ensuring discipline; stepping up the prevention and fight against corruption, negativity and wastefulness.

Continuing to promote administrative reform in association with building e-Government and digital government; improve the business environment and enhance the national competitiveness.

Accelerating the practical and effective implementation of economic restructuring associated with growth model innovation, improving productivity, quality, efficiency, competitiveness, independence, autonomy, adaptability and economic resilience.

Focus on developing and perfecting a synchronous strategic infrastructure system, especially transport infrastructure, infrastructure to respond to climate change, and digital infrastructure. Focus on environmental protection, effective management and use of land and resources.

Focus on developing human resources, especially high-quality human resources in association with promoting research, development and application of science and technology, promoting innovation and entrepreneurship.

Focus on comprehensive and synchronous development of cultural fields, ensuring the harmonious connection between economic development, culture and society; improve the people's life, and ensure social security. Maintain independence, sovereignty, unity, territorial integrity, national defense and security, political stability, social order and safety.

Implement external activities synchronously, comprehensively, effectively, and international integration, maintain a peaceful and stable environment for national development and enhance Vietnam's position and prestige in the international arena. Promote information and communication work; improve the efficiency of mass mobilization and create social consensus.

The resolution states that ministries, ministerial-level agencies and government-attached agencies actively monitor domestic and international developments, improve capacity, and strengthen analysis, assessment and timely forecasting to come up with comprehensive and synchronous solutions, take advantage of opportunities as well as favorable conditions, minimize negative impacts on the economy, production and business of enterprises and people's lives; strengthen digital transformation, timely carry out accurate statistics and reports; quarterly update the development scenario of the industry and the field under its management.

By Hương Dịu/Bui Diep

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