Exam to grant certificate of customs declaration in 2020

Exam to grant certificate of customs declaration in 2020

By the end of March of 2020, Vietnam Customs School will hold an examination for granting certificates of customs declaration in 2020
Vietnam Customs School: renovating the teaching and learning

Vietnam Customs School: renovating the teaching and learning

VCN - With the objective of building, training and retraining Customs officers with professional knowledge to meet the requirements of modern Customs management, Vietnam Customs School has focused on renovating the teaching and learning, which are associa
Training on Customs English terminology: Efficiency from reality

Training on Customs English terminology: Efficiency from reality

The Customs English terminology book has been used for training by the Vietnam Customs School for 4 years (since the beginning of 2013), many trainees have effectively used their English ability into actual work after the training course.
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