The impact of gasoline prices has been calculated and forecasted since the beginning of the year

The impact of gasoline prices has been calculated and forecasted since the beginning of the year

Facing the rise of gasoline prices, price management is being actively and flexibly implemented by the authorities to avoid putting pressure on the economy as well as people's lives.
Actively offering appropriate policies in price management

Actively offering appropriate policies in price management

VCN – On the afternoon of December 30, the Price Management Department under the Ministry of Finance organized a conference to review performance in 2021 and set out tasks for 2022. Deputy Minister of Finance Ta Anh Tuan attended and chaired the conferenc
Carrying out price administration in careful, flexible and proactive manners

Carrying out price administration in careful, flexible and proactive manners

The inflation rate is expected at 1.9% in 2021 that will help to reduce the pressure in 2022 when many factors are creating pressure on inflation control and price administration.
2022: prudent, flexible and active in price management

2022: prudent, flexible and active in price management

VCN - The expected inflation rate of 1.9% in 2021 will help reduce pressure for 2022 when many factors are putting pressure on inflation control and price management. However, price management and inflation control in 2022 will be done cautiously, flexibl
Inflation control targets easily met despite high raw material prices

Inflation control targets easily met despite high raw material prices

The Ministry of Finance affirmed that the high price of raw materials has not put great pressure on inflation control targets in 2021.
Aims to achieve price stabilization during the coming Lunar New Year

Aims to achieve price stabilization during the coming Lunar New Year

The Ministry of Finance issued Directive No. 02/CT-BTC on strengthening management and stabilizing prices during the Lunar New Year in 2022.
Keeping commodity prices stable, ensuring inflation control

Keeping commodity prices stable, ensuring inflation control

Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai chaired a meeting of the Steering Committee on reviewing the evaluation of price management
Control the market to avoid taking advantage of the pandemic to increase prices unreasonably

Control the market to avoid taking advantage of the pandemic to increase prices unreasonably

Market surveillance forces strengthened market inspection and control contributing to preventing and controlling violations relating to prices in the market
Long-term and comprehensive solutions needed for price management

Long-term and comprehensive solutions needed for price management

VCN – Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai has asked for closely monitoring the world economic developments and inflation in Vietnam to introduce comprehensive and long-term solutions for price management and macroeconomic stability.
Edit the Law on prices: Legalise price analysis and forecasting

Edit the Law on prices: Legalise price analysis and forecasting

The Ministry of Finance (MOF) proposed to amend the law on prices to create a specific legal corridor for the synthesis, analysis and forecast of the price
Shipping lines do not transparently list freight rates

Shipping lines do not transparently list freight rates

The Vietnam Maritime Administration has just reported to the Ministry of Transport the results of an interdisciplinary inspection team on shipping rates and surcharges
Unpredictable factors are all in the price management

Unpredictable factors are all in the price management

Although there are unpredictable developments that may affect inflation control, these are all factors in the operating scenario of the Government as well as the Price Management Steering Committee.
Continuing to manage prices, supporting the implementation of "dual goals"

Continuing to manage prices, supporting the implementation of "dual goals"

Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai has just commented on the direction of managing prices in the remaining months of 2021.
Ministry to actively build price management scenarios

Ministry to actively build price management scenarios

The Ministry of Finance (MoF)'s Price Management Department will actively set up scenarios for managing prices of essential goods according to the market performance, but still ensuring inflation control as targeted, said director of the department Nguyen
Avoiding taking advantage of goods for profit when petroleum prices increase

Avoiding taking advantage of goods for profit when petroleum prices increase

Facing concerns that petroleum prices increases will lead to the situation of taking advantage for a number of goods, the Ministry of Finance affirmed that they won’t let this situation happen.
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